

Letter: The people of the world say: NO war on Iran

In support of the January 25th Global Day of Action calling for No War on Iran, approximately 80 people who gathered at Castlegar United Church urged all Federal party leaders to work to avoid a catastrophic war.  They wrote: Whereas the USA may launch a war on Iran; Whereas such a war will involve Canada; Whereas such a war...

RCMP turn to public to help identify theft suspect

(See full video at end of article) RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying an unknown male suspect who is believed to be responsible for the theft of a package from the porch of a Castlegar home in mid-December. On Jan. 15, Castlegar RCMP received a report of a package theft allegedly committed on Dec. 17,...

DriveSmart BC: The Difficulty With Stop Signs

One wouldn't think that stopping at a stop sign would be such a problem for drivers. It seems relatively simple, come to a complete stop, look both ways and then go if it is safe to do so. With the poor compliance rate, we should ask is the stop sign the best form of traffic control for intersections that are not controlled...

Do you know about the Snow Host program?

Rosy cheeks, toasting sandwiches by a crackling woodstove, snow-covered trees … and visiting with everyone else who has arrived under their own power.  The Rossland Range Recreation Site with its trails, snow routes, and collection of little day-use shelters has become very popular with skiers on various types of skis,...

OP/ED: Cautious Optimism for Provincial Wildlife Strategy

British Columbia’s hunters and anglers have long been the vanguard of wildlife conservation efforts in our province. Over the years, many of us have raised concerns about declining wildlife populations, large-scale habitat fragmentation and deterioration of true backcountry wilderness. Members of the British Columbia chapter...

Rossland Teen is handpicked for Junior team by Core Kites Canada

16 year old Tayne Steven is a super motivated grade 11 student at Seven Summits Centre for Learning in Rossland BC, the site of the world’s first Kitefoiling academy.  After celebrating his first podium finish at Kiteclash competition in Squamish last year, his raw talent, huge likeability factor and genuine enthusiasm for ...

2020 Property Tax Assessments are in the mail

In the next few days, owners of more than 147,500 properties throughout the Kootenay Columbia region can expect to receive their 2020 assessment notices, which reflect market value as of July 1, 2019. "The majority of Kootenay Columbia home-owners can expect an increase when compared to last year’s assessments," says Deputy...

DriveSmart BC: We Need Better Lines and More Reflectors

Here's another complaint from the DriveSmartBC Inbox: "Please speak to the situation that I call the "Invisible White Lines" on our highways as soon as we get some rain and whilst driving in the dark. Night visibility in winter is terrible. There are no reflectors on the highway edge like in Washington State. And don't let ...

Selkirk College Students Use Business Skills to Support First Nation Economic Resilience

Graduating students in the School of Business at Selkirk College put their education into action for a case competition focused on a northern Ontario First Nation. Teams of students created mocked-up economic development plans for the Atikameksheng First Nation and presented their proposals to a panel of local judges that...

Editorial: An object lesson from Uzbekistan

A Kootenay man, environmental consultant Michael Keefer who lives in Rossland and Cranbrook, was invited to go to Uzbekistan for a conference on solutions to the Aralkum Desert problem.  While there, he toured the area and took many hundreds of pictures.  When I sat down with Keefer, who told me fascinating tales ...

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