

FortisBC introduces new financial support for customers

Today, FortisBC received interim approval from the BC Utilities Commission to implement its COVID-19 Customer Recovery Fund, a program that provides new support measures for residential and small business customers who are facing financial challenges as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Fund will be available...

Selkirk College Launches Emergency Fundraising Campaign to Assist Students

To address the financial challenges facing post-secondary students due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Selkirk College Foundation is appealing for help with those struggling the most. The COVID-19 Student Relief Fund will provide immediate financial support to students who are facing serious financial challenges as they complete...

Provincial health officer clarifies media's mixed messages about merit of masks

In Monday's BC COVID-19 press conference, the overall message was urging residents to continue with the vigilant behaviours that are bringing the province more positive outcomes, rather than using recent encouraging numbers as an excuse to relax and become complacent. Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said she neither...

BC COVID-19 update as of April 6, 63 new cases, total of 1,229

Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, and Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s provincial health officer, have issued the following joint statement regarding updates on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response in British Columbia: “Today, we are providing case updates for two 24-hour reporting periods: April 4 to 5, and April 5 through to...

April 4 BC COVID-19 release: 29 new cases, 128 in IHA

Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, and Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s provincial health officer, have issued the following joint statement regarding updates on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response in British Columbia: “We are announcing 29 new cases, for a total of 1,203 cases in British Columbia. “Every health region in British...

LETTER: Recent post-secondary grads falling through cracks in COVID-19 aid

Dear Editor, My name is Amy and I am a recent Selkirk College graduate. When I say recent, I mean recent. I graduated February 28, 2020 and, within days of said graduation, COVID-19 started its climb to the pandemic that it is currently. I am writing to you because recently-graduated students have been forgotten in the emergency...

April 2 BC COVID-19 stats and resources at a glance

The COVID-19 situation in British Columbia is continually evolving and the information below is current as of 3 p.m. on Thursday, April 2, 2020. Cases: Total confirmed cases in B.C.: 1,121 New cases since April 1, 2020: 55 Hospitalized cases: 149 Intensive care: 68 COVID-19 related deaths: 31 Recovered: 641 Confirmed cases ...

$3 mill for food banks, additional $300/mo for disability or income assistance

To ensure B.C.’s most vulnerable – including people on income or disability assistance and low-income seniors – do not encounter additional barriers during the COVID-19 crisis, the Province is implementing a series of temporary supports and supplements. “We are putting in place measures that complement the federal crisis...

Premier’s task force to support B.C. economy during, after COVID-19

A new Economic Recovery Task Force will bring together leaders from business, labour, First Nations and not-for-profits to help ensure the Province’s economic response to COVID-19 is effective and responsive to the needs of British Columbians. “COVID-19 is not only a public-health challenge, but also an economic one. People...

New guidelines support compliance with provincial health officer's orders

The provincial health officer (PHO) has issued new guidelines to support compliance with orders on business closures and gatherings, under the Public Health Act. The new guidelines for municipal bylaw officers and other compliance officers give clear instruction on warnings, public education and fines – and what can be issued...

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