

Decline in Kootenay Lake fish population forces Family Day Derby cancellation

Organizers of the popular BC Family Day Fishing Derby that happens during the February holiday weekend on Kootenay Lake are voicing concerns about a decline in fish stocks in the main lake. Robert Di Pietro of the 2015 Kootenay Lake Family Day Fishing Derby said the event has now been cancelled due to “an extreme decline in...

COMMENT: Mayor speaks to labour dispute

I’d like to thank the residents of Castlegar for your patience and understanding during the labour strike by our unionized CUPE city employees. We are now in snow season and our management staff are working around the clock to keep the roads clear and safe. We appreciate that residents and businesses are helping to keep...

LETTER: Resident offers a proposal to council/union

Nov 25., 2014 Dear Mayor Chernoff and Council, This Open Letter proposes a human-to-human way to break the labour dispute impasse that -- to put it mildly -- is negatively affecting all our citizens in a number of ways, and not just in practical terms. How about all councillors get together with all of the City's striking...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: The column no one wants to read

I believe that true faith, no matter the stripe, is the most beautiful, miraculous thing a person can be given. And I believe it comes through questioning and soul-searching and observation. I believe that the ugliest thing ever visited upon humanity is blind faith. No questioning, no use of our God-given gift of discernment,...

Social media credited, in part, with finding missing little boy

Social media proved its power on Nov. 19, becoming an instrumental tool in helping to find a missing 10-year-old Castlegar boy in Trail (his name is being withheld to protect his and his family’s privacy). At roughly 6:30 p.m., RCMP Cpl. Dave Johnson contacted The Source and asked the word be spread about a missing child....

CP Rail response doesn't track for council

At its first regular meeting since the election, city council expressed frustration over a less-than-satisfactory response from CP Rail regarding a new schedule of night trains running through the region. This, after CP Rail sent a delegation to council's regular meeting on Oct. 6 attended by more than 100 upset residents, ...

LETTER: Winterfest committee explains why cancellation stands

Further to the Public Notice issued on Nov. 20, from the Winterfest Organizing Committee, Winterfest will remain cancelled for 2014. After continued discussion and consideration of potential options for hosting Winterfest 2014 at a different location, it has been determined that alternative arrangements for the annual parade,...

One person was taken to hospital following single-vehicle accident near Grohman Narrows Park

RCMP said one person was taken to hospital with what appeared to be non-life-threatening injuries following a single vehicle accident Sunday morning on Highway 3A west of Nelson near the Grohman Narrows Provincial Park. Witnesses at the accident scene that happened around 10:45 a.m. Sunday, said the four-door sedan was driving...

COMMENT: CUPE looks for alternate venue for Winterfest

The following is a press release issued by CUPE local 2262: We all love Winterfest and your Castlegar city workers know that it's an important annual community event. Unfortunately, the unresolved labour dispute with the City of Castlegar would put the usual ceremony behind a legal picket line. Given this, CUPE Local 2262 is...

LETTER: Winterfest committee cancels annual event

The Winterfest Organizing Committee regrets to inform our community that the 19th Annual Winterfest Family Celebration has been cancelled due to planned labour action by striking CUPE City workers during the event. The Committee decided to cancel the event after hearing that some participants would not continue in the event...

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