

RADON: A Cancer Hazard. Do Our Homes Have High Levels?

January 26, 2015– Today the BC Lung Association released the results of the largest ever community-wide home radon testing project done in Canada.  Getting more British Columbians to test their homes for radon – the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking - is a priority for the BC Lung Association. As is ensuring...

2nd Rossland Winter Market -- January 31-- Read All ABout It!

Saturday January 31st marks the Rossland Mountain Market's second winter market of the season! Where & When: Miner's Hall from 2:00 - 7:00 PM.    The Market is pleased to present 10 Farm and Food vendors, 10 Artisan vendors, Rossland City Council, the Rossland Museum and hot cooked food from Red Seal Chef Naomi Panschow.To...


Nearly three-quarters of Canadians living with Alzheimer's disease are women. It's an eye-opening statistic, but it's not news to the many  families whose lives have been altered by the dementia journey. "Women represent 72 per cent of Canadians living with Alzheimer’s disease," says Julie Leffelaar, the Alzheimer Society of...

Family Fishing Derby returns for 6th year on BC Family Day

Mark your calendars for Monday, February 9th as the Family Fishing Derby for Kids with Cancer will be back for its sixth year this BC Family Day. Held at Horseshoe Lake from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., the annual Derby has become a Kootenay tradition bringing together communities and families from Cranbrook, Creston, Fernie, Golden,...

On Now -- Rossland Winter Carnival!

It has begun:  Lots of fun, lots of activities, with good food and music. In keeping with the historical nature of the event, started in 1898, the Rossland Museum has displays and activities beginning at noon on Thursday.  On Friday, after luge lessons and ski races at Red (if they haven't been cancelled ), dine al fresco...

Camping to cost more after province raises rates

The province says to maintain high service levels in B.C. provincial parks for an increasing number of visitors, it's raising camping fees as of March 15, 2015. "British Columbia’s world-renowned parks provide superb recreational opportunities for visitors from throughout the province and around the world. From diverse terrain...

Possible murder in Whistler

A death at the Whistler hotel has an specialized RCMP team investigating, according to Cpl. Stephanie Ashton,after RCMP were called to the hotel at roughly 3 a.m. on Jan. 20. "The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team has been called to Whistler to investigate a death in a hotel," she said. "This investigation is in the early...

Tribunal to hear human rights complaint against Celgar

The BC Human Rights Tribunal has decided it will hear a complaint against Castlegar’s Zellstoff Celgar which alleges discrimination against women in non-union, supervisory positions. Former Celgar human resources manager Adrienne McKellar alleges in the complaint that women are passed over for promotions and paid less than ...

Get between the covers with your local library during this weekend's exciting kick off to Literacy Week

This coming weekend is a huge one for the Castlegar and District Public Library, with oodles of not-to-miss programming for the entire family. Librarian Arlee Venier says the library is kicking off Family Literacy Week in style, starting with a giant book sale in the large meeting room downstairs, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ...

Basin Water Conservation Action and Collaboration Lauded as Model for Success

Since 2010, Water Smart communities in the Columbia Basin have steadily reduced local water consumption—and academics, experts and utility professionals from across Canada are taking note. Water Smart is a Columbia Basin Trust water conservation program that helps regional districts and municipalities in the Basin address...

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