

Selkirk success story - adult ed empowers

When Daniel Leslie was 31, he was at the pinnacle of what it means to carve out an outdoor lover’s life. In the summer, Leslie fought forest fires and in the winter he worked as a ski patroller/first aid attendant/avalanche technician. Physically demanding work, but for those who thirst for fresh air and adventure it was the...

PODCAST: Rossland company sets out to make the world a better place with new business

The You can do that here! podcast is produced by Andrew Zwicker of AZcreative for the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology. The podcast is a weekly series of 30 minute conversations with some of the most innovative and successful entrepreneurs in the Kootenays. They say the best way to learn is to learn from the ...

Three men sent to hospital after avalanche

Three men are being taken to hospital after they were caught in an avalanche on Tuesday afternoon.   On Feb. 3, at 2 p.m., the Golden RCMP received a report of an avalanche near the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Three men in their early 20s, all from Saskatchewan, were apparently skiing out-of-bounds near Terminator 2 when...

Coroner releases name of deceased in officer-involved fatal shooting

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a man who died following a police shooting in Castlegar on Jan. 29. The man was Waylon Jesse Edey, aged 39, of Yahk. Edey was shot following an encounter with RCMP officers which occurred during the evening of Jan. 29, near the east end of the Kinnaird Bridge on Highway ...

UPDATED: IIO leaves Castlegar, findings not yet available

  The Independent Investigations Office has completed the Castlegar portion of its investigation and its personnel have left the city and returned to their Surrey head office, but IIO representatives are not in a position yet to say when, exactly, the inquiry will be concluded and findings released. This, after an officer-involved...

Mixed predictions for 2015 Groundhog Day

Depending on where you live, winter will continue to end pretty quick as the two Canadian celebrity groundhogs came up with a split decision today on the long-range weather forecast. According to folklore, if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on Groundhog Day and sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter....

Interior Health understands frustration of NPD Chief, but believes their program is working

Interior Health understands the frustration of local city police but the health authority believes its current program is working to deal with the emotional disturbed part of the population in Nelson Manager of Mental Health and Substance Use service Chris Huston told The Nelson Daily from his office in Cranbrook. Huston was...

UPDATED: Officer-involved fatal shooting on Kinnaird Bridge

The IIO issued the following release this morning: The Independent Investigations Office of BC confirms it is investigating an officer involved shooting that occurred at 8 p.m. (Thursday, January 29) evening in Castlegar. According to the RCMP, officers were responding to a driving complaint on Highway 3 in the city limits ...

Trading Away Environmental Rights

Science Matters Vol. 17, No. 4 27 Jan 2015 By David Suzuki In 1997, Canada restricted import and transfer of the gasoline additive MMT because it was a suspected neurotoxin that had already been banned in Europe. Ethyl Corp., the U.S. multinational that supplied the chemical, sued the government for $350 million under the...

You Asked For It -- MONSTERS at the Charles Bailey Theatre

Survey results indicated that Greater Trail patrons of the arts want MORE THEATRE programming and so, on Sunday February 8, audiences can see not one, but two of Toronto’s Monster Theatre Productions at The Charles Bailey Theatre.  First, in the afternoon on the main stage, we present The Little Prince where children aged...

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