

Council to create connections with kids

City councillors Florio Vassilakakis and Bruno Tassone met with SD 20 school board representatives last Monday during the board’s regular meeting to pitch an idea designed, not to bring youth into civic politics, but rather to bring civic politics to our youth. “I thought Florio’s idea was an excellent one, and I thought it...

Mother Nature gives region one last taste of winter

Technically, there are another few days of winter 2015 according to the calendar. And Mother Nature won’t let us forget it despite the spring-like past four weeks. Marc Dale at YRB is advising the travelling public to take extra caution when driving thanks to a late winter storm heading through the West Kootenay. “We have...

Nelson's Amran Bhabra grows/cuts hair for cancer wigs

The Canadian Cancer Society website says it takes eight to 15 ponytails to create one real-hair wig. Nelson’s Amran Bhabra did his part for Cancer by donating two lengths of hair to the next wig during a haircut Saturday at the Root 99 Hair Design Salon on Baker Street. “I first started to grow my hair out for hockey because...

LETTER: Join Castlegar and area in opposing C-51 - and here's why it matters so much:

To the Editor: As an ex-South African who was affected by and had friends scarred and killed by “The Terrorism Act” and its spy network during the anti-Apartheid days, I’m so alarmed by the doors of abuse opened by Prime Minister Harper’s Bill C-51 that I’ve committed to co-organizing – with local childcare worker Michelle ...

LETTER: Family of man killed in officer-involved shooting speaks out

This letter is in response to Jean H. Broeckx letter: What is the Delay in Investigation of Officer-Involved Shooting of Waylon Edey. Let me first say that your letter was well written and I am by no means refuting any of your thoughts or questions. However, I am going to explain to you and all the readers why you haven’t...

Human-caused fires raise concerns in Southeast B.C.

On Monday, March 9, crews from the Southeast Fire Centre responded to four new wildfires, all of which were human-caused and therefore preventable. Two of the fires were the result of poorly planned open burning: * Wildfire Management Branch crews supported local RCMP members and fire departments at a five-hectare grass fire...

Update: Sapriken arrested after tip from public

A man for whom police have been searching for months is now behind bars, according to RCMP Cpl. Kelly Hall (non-commissioned officer in charge of the Crime Reduction Unit).   "As a result of information provided by a local Castlegar business, Castlegar RCMP arrested Sapriken on March 6, 2015," Hall said. "He was held in custody...

Prescribed burns set for Syringa

The Wildfire Management Branch will be conducting a prescribed burn near Tulip Creek in Syringa Provincial Park between March 13 and March 31, weather conditions permitting, in conjunction with BC Parks and BC Hydro's Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program. This controlled burn is part of the Lower Arrow Lake Ecosystem...

Kelowna RCMP look for more child victims of accused prolific pedophile

Police are asking the public for help in identifying the victims of an accused prolific pedophile, according to Kelowna RCMP Cpl. Joe Duncan. “Investigators fear there could be more victims of a man accused of sexual assaults involving children and are asking anyone who has had contact with him to call police,” Duncan said.“On...

Teck Trail faces laundry list of environmental charges

Teck Metals Ltd. was notified today of charges under the Fisheries and Environmental Management Acts in relation to four separate incidents at Teck Trail Operations that occurred between November 2013 and July 2014. In each case, the incidents were immediately reported to the appropriate regulatory agencies, and there was no...

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