

UPDATED: BC Wildlife Services increases manpower on Sitkum Creek fire; meeting tonight at 7 p.m. at at ecole des Sentiers-alpins French language school

BC Wildlife Service has increased on-the-ground manpower for the Sitkum Creek wildfire in the mountains north of the City of Nelson. The firefighting crews has been stepped up from 49 to 82-man ground crew. The firefighters are supported by three helicopters and nine pieces of heavy machinery. The wildfire, which sparked up...

Castlegar kids corral KSCU kudos - and cash

Two Castlegar youth are $2,000 richer thanks to their own amazing efforts and Kootenay Savings' youth-based funding programs. Twenty-six young people throughout the region received bursaries, awards and scholarships. Community Champs Bursaries: Since 2001, the Kootenay Savings Community Foundation has awarded ‘Community Champs’...

Rempel returns as Castlegar cadet commander

On June 4, 581 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets, Castlegar held a Change of Command as part of its Annual Ceremonial Review. Captain Jean Lundquist turned over command of the Squadron to Captain Gerry Rempel. Captain Rempel returns to 581 after seven years working the Air Cadet Squadron in Nelson. Captain Lindquist will...

184 active wildfires in province; 27 started yesterday alone

The Province is cautioning all British Columbians to be diligent with fire safety and report all wildfires toauthorities as 184 active fires are being fought across British Columbia with nine evacuation alerts and orders currently in effect, impacting over 800 homes.  Twenty-seven new fires started in B.C. yesterday, with...

Castlegar men gather to overcome trauma and barriers to employment

The Transitions for Men program, first developed in Nelson in 2013, will be offering a free group in Castlegar for the first time, beginning on July 20.The group provides support and tools for men who are seeking fulfilling employment by addressing some of the challenges of living with trauma.In the context of the Transitions...

Survival in the forests — Missing hikers Rick Moynan and Lynne Carmody tell their story

On Monday June 22, 2015 at 8:36 p.m. the Keremeos RCMP received a report of two overdue hikers. A local Lodge advised that Rick Moynan and Lynne Carmody set out around 10 a.m. to go for a hike and were due back by suppertime, but did not return. Search and Rescue (SAR) was activated immediately and began a search first thing...

Taking a Look at Post-Secondary Education from a North/South Perspective

Community college leaders from both sides of the Canada-United States border gathered at the Selkirk College Castlegar Campus last month to embark on a new north-south relationship aimed at enhancing opportunities for both students and educators. Administrative and academic leaders from Community Colleges of Spokane (CCS) and...

UPDATED: Sitkum Creek wildfire forces RDCK EOC to keep evacuation alert in place

Not much has changed for residents of the Duhamel and Sitkum Creek area as the Regional District of Central Kootenay Emergency Operations Centre continues to keep an evacuation alert in place due to the estimated 300-hectare Sitkum Creek wildfire.  Residents in the area between Sitkum Creek South and Willow Point (Six Mile ...

Castlegar fire ban in effect now

Due to the very dry weather conditions, the City of Castlegar is implementing a prohibition on all outdoor burning effective July 6 (today) until further notice.  This prohibition includes backyard campfires and fireworks. Deputy fire chief Sam Lattanzio said conditions within the city (as well as the rest of the province) ...

Evacuation Alert remains in place for Sitkum Creek South and Willow Point residents

The evacuation alert for approximately 350 residences between Sitkum Creek South and Willow Point (Six Mile Lakes Road) remains in place said Sangita Sudan Regional District of Central Kootenay Emergency Operations Centre. “At this point the Southeast Fire Centre crews are working at building a guard and at this point the...

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