

UPDATED: RCMP confirm body of two year-old Hailey Dunbar-Blanchette found in rural area near Blairmore

In a media release Tuesday night, RCMP said investigators have found what they believe to be the body of two year-old Hailey Dunbar-Blanchette in a rural area near Blairmore, Alberta. The body was located Tuesday afternoon during a police search based on information received in their efforts to locate her. The Dunbar-Blanchette...

Just another amazing Road Kings Queen’s City Cruise weekend

There's definitely someone in the weather center that likes the Nelson Road Kings Queen City Cruise weekend. Why else would blue skies appear during the weekend of the annual car show. Once again the weather was perfect, entrants filled the streets and car lovers filled the streets for the annual car show. " We had just over...

ATV accident and car fire keep local crews busy this afternoon

One man has been transported to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries after an ATV accident on the Canada Trail this afternoon. Deputy fire chief Sam Lattanzio said they were dispatched to the trail, which runs along an old railbed West of the Hugh Keenleyside Dam, at 1:54 p.m. “The ATV had rolled down an embankment...

Cooler temperatures help Southeast Fire Centre tame wildfires

The Southeast Fire Centre said sustained and persistent work by firefighters, cooler temperatures and significant precipitation have reduced wildfire activity in many areas of the district. "The fire danger rating in most of the northern part of the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction is now “very low”, while most of the...

As many as 7 candidates in upcoming election; Rhino Party a possibility

The slate of contenders for South Okanagan-West Kootenay MP seems to be increasing rapidly as the filing deadline (Sept. 28) approaches. Although the Elections Canada website only shows three hopefuls so far, at least three more have expressed their desire to run in our riding (current MP Alex Atamanenko will be retiring at...

More fines for unsecured garbage may evolve from Bear Smart initiative

WildSafeBC is giving Castlegar the opportunity to be designated a ‘Bear Smart’ community during one of our worst bear seasons in years – and encouraging the city penalize residents who won’t get on board. “The bear situation in Castlegar right now is crazy, I've never received so many phone calls and emails,” WildSafe coordinator...

Peace, security and climate change on the agenda for all candidates forum

Federal election candidates will have an opportunity to focus on issues of peace, security and climate change in a pair of all-candidates forums slated for September 16 and 17. The three important and often intertwined topics are of increasing importance to Canadians in the 21st Century. Co-hosted by Selkirk College’s Mir...

It's Kootenay Pride Weekend in Nelson

One of the biggest, and proudest, events of the year is set to kick off this Friday, as Kootenay Pride takes over downtown Nelson for four days of parties, parades, and more. The annual event, now in its 19th year, begins on Friday at Finley’s Grill, which is hosting a meet and greet and offering a burger and beer combo $15,...

Four new human caused fires prompt officials to ask for greater public diligence

On the August 29-30 weekend, the BC Wildfire Service responded to four new human-caused wildfires in the Cariboo Fire Centre. One of those wildfires was sparked by an abandoned campfire. This wildfire, located at Suey Bay on Horsefly Lake, was discovered on Sunday, August 30. Thanks to reports from the public, crews were able...

Firefighters make Castlegar proud in RDKB response; will do so again at Firefighter Games this weekend

Castlegar fire chief Gerry Rempel has fabulous bragging rights after a request for assistance last weekend from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary. “When it (the US Stickpin wildfire looming perilously close to the Canadian border and threatening Grand Forks and Christina Lake) was declared an emergency, it became a...

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