

Kootenay Boundary faces shortage of psychiatrists

The region’s medical shortages continue, despite Castlegar finally having a full contingent of general physicians – the issue now being a shortage of psychiatrists. Cheryl Whittleton, Heath Service Administrator for the Kootenay Boundary, said three local psychiatrists have resigned in the past six months, leaving the region...

From the RCMP strange-but-true files: bizarre incident with local driver

The Castlegar Health Centre apparently saw a patient without patience, according to Castlegar RCMP Cpl. Dave Johnson. “We got a call just before 10 a.m. yesterday (Monday) that a driver on Hwy 22 en route to Trail was driving at a high rate of speed and was unable to maintain their lane,” Johnson said. “Also, the back door ...

Local Resident Receives National Environmental Education Award

Monica Nissen, local Nelson resident and Director of Wildsight’s education programs, was awarded a prestigious national award in Canmore last week—the 2015 Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication Award of Excellence. Monica’s passion for the wilderness and her gift for teaching drew her into the field...

Locals put on free Halloween attraction for residents

Looking for a scare Halloween night? You can head on down to Robson, where a local resident and homeowner is putting on an haunted yard for the third year in a row. Brandy Danychuck  says hardly anyone showed up the first year, and the second year saw about 30 people, so she’s hoping this year will at least double that as...

Trash talk the main event at upcoming city meeting

It’s hard to imagine a meeting that sounds more boring than one about municipal solid waste – but it’s actually one that will have a significant impact on the day-to-day lives of residents. The meeting will cover a variety of options regarding everything from frequency of garbage pick-up and recycling to environmental footprint...

Blueberry Creek Community School Society buys land/school for $1

It’s been a long time coming, but the Blueberry Creek Community School Society now owns its facility and the property on which it stands, having purchased both from School District 20 (SD 20) for one dollar. While that may sound like a poor deal for SD 20, it’s actually good news for virtually everyone involved, according to...

Ruffled feathers lead to fowl play in city signage

There’s been a lot of hilarity on social media surrounding Castlegar’s two new ‘turkey crossing’ signs along Columbia Avenue near the Kootenay Smile Studio and Wolf’s Den Tattoo Parlor. “Turkeys can read now?” “Of course not, that’s why the signs have pictures, too.” That sort of thing. But underneath the jocularity is a very...

Trick-or-treating to protest starving students

Frustrated about student poverty, Selkirk College students are planning a food drive on Halloween night. Students will be going door-to-door in traditional trick-or-treat fashion asking area residents to provide non-perishable food items for the campus food bank. “With little action being taken by the provincial government ...

Former Israeli Airforce Helicopter Pilot Speaks at Mir Lecture Series Event

Former Israeli Defence Force (IDF) helicopter pilot Yonatan Shapira’s outlook on the violent struggle in the Gaza Strip and West Bank changed dramatically 12 years ago and for more than a decade he has been traveling the world in an effort to bring change through non-violent means. Shapira will bring his insight on the Israeli...

Police, community looks to pick up pieces after sentencing of NPD Constable

It must have been a somber day inside the offices of 606 Stanley Street as the Nelson Police Department dealt with the news that one of their own had been sentenced to 30 days house arrest and a one-year probation for an assault charge on a woman. NPD Const. Drew Turner was in BC Provincial Court Tuesday to hear his sentence...

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