

LETTER: B.C. needs to fix its record of brutal inaction on poverty policy

Dear Editor, In response to Deb McIntosh’s recent letter re: the Community Harvest Food  Bank’s struggles to assist families and individuals living in poverty, we suggest it is high time that our wealthy province makes  some meaningful policy changes so that the families of one in five children in BC don’t have to be dependent...

New IHA CEO visits Nelson but leaves laundry services question in spring spin cycle, with social fabric softener now added in

The social equation will factor into the recommendation given to the Interior Health Authority board in March when they are called upon to decide the future of laundry services — and 17 fulltime jobs — at Nelson’s Kootenay Lake Hospital, claims the IHA’s new president and chief executive officer. Chris Mazurkewich said Monday...

Nelsonites join millions Walk with the World marchers on eve of Paris Climate Change Conference

While many world leaders, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Barack Obama, and the 40,000 delegates are in Paris at the UN Climate Change Conference, approximately 500 took to the streets of Nelson Sunday to participate in the Walk with the World. "It’s obviously a huge issue not only to our community...

Today marks release of video shot locally and featuring local artist

Local musician/song writer/vocal artist Reiss Zibin, 21, will be releasing her new video in just minutes – and it’s one that will excite locals because it was filmed here in Castlegar and featured many local extras, not to mention the production/direction talents of locals Geoff Fontes and Dan Caverly. The video, showcasing...

West Kootenay Community TEETH Clinic Society in driver's seat, but still in need of support from area residents to bring home prize

Now that the WK Community TEETH Clinic has grabbed the lead, it's now time for area residents to bring the challenge home, as well as the $50,000 to prize. West Kootenay Community TEETH Clinic Society is one of five finalists being chosen for a video storytelling campaign. TEETH has been shortlisted for the Pacific Blue Cross...

IHA CEO issues statement on Laundry Services Review

The following is a statement on behalf of Chris Mazurkewich, President and CEO for Interior Health regarding the Laundry Services Review:   “As the new President and CEO of Interior Health, I plan to take additional time in reviewing the future of our laundry services.  Subsequently, a decision on the possibility of outsourcing...

Sculpturewalk Gala sets stage for new heights of artistic awesomeness

More than 100 people showed up to the Element Saturday night for the Sixth Annual Sculpturewalk Awards Gala announcing the 2015 winners. Regeneration, by Argnenta artists Spring Shine and Christopher Petersen, was the big winner out of 32 contenders, taking home the coveted People’s Choice Award. This sculpture will now be ...

Contagious kindness spreads in Castlegar, threatens to infect other communities

It appears Castlegar is suffering from a contagious epidemic of kindness, according to city councillor Kevin Chernoff, who posted the following on his Facebook page: “*Castlegar Alert* Castlegar has some kind of an infectious disease. First Kindness Meters, now anonymous Kindness Scarfs left around town. Who's next to be...

RANT: From coffee cups to remembrance to refugees - we are getting it ALL wrong

There’s an insidious either/or mentality invading our political lexicon that I think is actually becoming an outstandingly effective camouflage for genuine evil, and it’s making me crazy to see how few people seem to realize how totally they are being manipulated by it. It starts off benign enough – in fact, in such a stupid...

Selkirk College Asks: Are You Made for Trades?

Selkirk College Welding Program instructor Bruce Davis’s passion for his trade is obvious when he starts talking about his early days as a student at Nelson’s Silver King Campus. “I always strive to be better,” the 34-year-old says. “The second I laid my first [welding] bead, I thought ‘that’s not very good, I want to make ...

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