

Nelson SAR assists in rescue of backcountry skier from Five-Mile Basin

Nelson Search and Rescue was called out Saturday (January 2) to assist in the evacuation of injured backcountry skier. Chris Armstrong of Nelson SAR said in a media release the call came in during the early afternoon for a medical evacuation from Five-Mile basin located behind Whitewater Ski Resort. “A well-equipped ski group...

Nelson Fire Rescue responds to gas leak on Perrier Road — elderly occupant removed from residence

No one was hurt as Nelson Fire Rescue responded to what could have been a very serious incident New Year's Day on Perrier Road in the southern region of the Heritage City. Assistant Fire Chief Michael Daloise said in a media release the Nelson Fire Rescue Services received a call at 8:41 p.m. of a report that vehicle struck...

REGIONAL: Keremeos and Okanagan Falls get age-friendly grants

Keremeos and Okanagan Falls are among 28 B.C. communities that have been awarded 2016 Age-friendly Community Planning and Project grants, to support strategies to help seniors stay mobile, physically active, socially connected and healthy. The Village of Keremeos will receive $20,000 to assist in the creation of an age-friendly...

FROM THE HILL: Syrian refugees, climate conference

Parliament opened for a brief two-week sitting in early December.  For a newcomer to Parliament Hill, I found the pomp and ceremony, borrowing from centuries of parliamentary tradition, a moving reminder of the deep trust my constituents have placed in me. I gave my first speech in the House towards the end of the sitting; ...

Nine people injured, U.S. driver charged after MVI near Merritt

An American driver involved in a collision Dec. 28 near Merritt is facing several charges, according to RCMP Cpl. Dan Moskaluk. At around 12 p.m. on Monday afternoon, Moskaluk said, the Merritt RCMP and the RCMP Central Interior Traffic Services were dispatched to a single vehicle collision which occurred a few kilometres...

Nelson SAR responds to pair of holiday calls for assistance in the backcountry

Nelson Search and Rescue members were busy responding to a pair of calls during the Christmas holiday break. The first call came Saturday (December 26) that two overdue skiers in the humming Bird Pass area again. "Subjects were reported overdue after he failed to a meet partner for dinner. Upon some investigating the subject...

E-Comm’s 2015 list of top ten reasons to not call 9-1-1

It’s a top-10 list everyone should not want to be on. E-Comm, the largest 9-1-1-call centre in B.C. that provides dispatch services for 33 police and fire departments throughout the province, has released its top "nuisance" calls for 2015.  “We want to remind people about what’s at risk when 9-1-1 is used as an information ...

Two Trail children apprehended to foster care on Christmas Eve; Two RCMP save Christmas

On Christmas Eve, members of the Trail Detachment were dispatched to check on the well being of two young children. The situation lead to the children being apprehended by a social worker and taken to foster care about 10 p.m., accordingto Trail top cop Sgt. Darren Oelke. "Realizing that the children would have no presents ...

Castlegar Refugee Project to host International Culture Festival

Castlegar has a new event being staged on Family Day called the International Culture Day, a fundraiser supporting the Castlegar Refugee Project. Slated for Feb. 8 from 1 to 4:30 p.m. at the Complex, International Culture Day will give area residents of all backgrounds and traditions an opportunity to showcase their cultures...

Fatal accident near Fruitvale claims one life

A local man has died after an accident in the wee hours of Saturday morning, according to RCMP Cpl. Darryl Orr. "On Dec. 19, at 12:47p.m., the Trail and Greater District RCMP responded to a single vehicle accident at the top of Nine Mile road in Fruitvale," Orr said.  "A truck driven by 28-year-old Tyler Tjader of Fruitvale...

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