

HEU stages rally in Nelson Monday ahead of IH laundry decision

Local Hospital Employees Union workers in Nelson are joining fellow members from other communities in the province as part of the Leap for Local Laundry rally Monday (February 29) in front of the courthouse on the corner of Vernon and Ward Streets. The day of action happens in the BC Interior as the HEU brings attention to ...

UPDATED: High risk patient found, safe and sound

A hihg-risk patient missing from the Daly Pavilion has been found, safe and sound, according to RCMP Cpl. Mike Wilson. James Moisson has returned to the Daly Pavilion. Previous coverage: On Feb. 25 James Moisson eloped from the Daly Pavilion Mental Health Facility in Trail, according to Trail RCMP Cpl. Mike Wilson . Due to ...

Free entrepreneurial workshops slated for Castlegar, Trail, Nelson and more

Have you considered becoming an entrepreneur, but hesitated to take the next step? Then you might want to register for Basin Business Advisors Program’s free ‘Me Inc.’ workshop in Castlegar on Thursday, March 10. This 1.5 hour workshop is filled with useful information for anyone who would like to launch a start-up or buy an...

School District No. 8 brass rolls out potential facilities plans to public

The third round of public meetings regarding long range school district facilities planning in the Nelson area was held Wednesday night, with officials showcasing and explaining the scoring and likelihood of multiple scenarios while encouraging feedback from the public. The evening was hosted by Kim Morris, Secretary-Treasurer...

Explore the Future at Selkirk College Career Fair

Rewarding employment is just around the corner. The Selkirk College Career & Education Fair provides valuable connections for students and community members to help them along the pathway to success. The annual event takes place Thursday, March 3 on the Castlegar Campus and features more than 50 exhibitors. “Our goal is...

Police still investigating Saturday's vehicle fire downtown

Police continue to investigate a truck fire that damaged the local Cadet Hall Saturday afternoon. “We're still looking into what would have caused that,”said RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew. "The RCMP continue to investigate the matter, which has been deemed as suspicious in nature.   "There was substantial damage done to the truck,...

New fee to address health/wellness/transitions for Selkirk students

The Selkirk College Board of Governors has approved a Student Service Fee that will focus on student health and wellness, and supporting students to transition to employment. At its regular board meeting on Tuesday evening at the Castlegar Campus, the Board approved the fee which will take effect in the 2016-2017 school year....

Teck explains plan to deal with Fisherman’s Road tailings ponds

A proposal from Teck concerning the removal of tailings from areas along Fisherman’s road in Area E of the Regional District of Central Kootenay attracted concerns and questions from locals during an open house meeting at Blewett Elementary Tuesday night. Tailings are the materials left over after valuable minerals are extracted...

WANTED: Public reports of bat activity during winter months

Our local batsare gone for the winter and their whereabouts is currently unknown in the Kootenay region. Biologists are requesting reports from citizens of bats found hibernating during the cold season.  “During summer, we receive a lot of reports from residents who have bats roosting on their property in houses, barns or...

Women Grow Kootenay

Women Grow: Kootenay Region Chapter held its inaugural event in Nelson on January 7th of this year– an event that brought in an all-encompassing crowd: women, men, younger folk, older folk, locals and non-locals, activists, advocates, educators, entrepreneurs, and those simply open to learning all made up the successful event...

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