

Ministry aware of the Western Toad’s precarious situation; ensures responsible logging practices near Summit Lake

Logging operations near Summit Lake have many Nakusp residents and biologists concerned about the impact on the Western Toad. The toads are listed as a species of concern on the provincial Yellow list, meaning that while not endangered, populations are in decline in certain areas. “Western Toads are relatively common in most...

Selkirk College Opens New Applied Research and Innovation Centre

Selkirk College has opened up additional classroom space and created the new Applied Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC) in Castlegar. Before the start of the Fall Semester, the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Program, the Selkirk Geospatial Research Centre (SGRC) and the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute (RDI)...

Province denies Wildlife Defence League claims

It’s Year Two of British Columbia's controversial wolf cull and questions have been raise regarding the techniques used by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO). The tactic in question is something the BC-based conservation organization, Wildlife Defence League (WDF) is calling a “Judas Wolf”....

IHA wrings out Nelson laundry service and prepares to cut 29 jobs in the city

The fate of Kootenay Lake Hospital’s laundry services has all come out in the wash. On Tuesday afternoon the Interior Health Authority (IHA) has elected to contract out hospital laundry services for Nelson and four other communities, meaning 29 job losses in the city. Interior Health’s board of directors and the health authority...

Snowfall Warning called for higher elevation highways

March appears to be arriving like a lion, especially on highways at higher elevations. Marc Dale, Yellowhead Road & Bridge Ltd. Operations Manager for the Southeast Kootenay region said there is a Snowfall Warning for highway passes. "It looks like old man winter is still with us," Dale said. "We have a Snowfall warning...

Police seek assistance in nabbing would-be armed robber in Salmo

Police are asking for help in finding a man who attempted to rob a Salmo store at gunpoint, according to RCMP Cpl. Riordan Bellman. Bellman said that on Friday at about 6:45 p.m., Salmo RCMP responded to a report of an attempted armed robbery at Piper's General Store located at 701 Glendale Ave., in Salmo. “An unknown male ...

Teck Trail Operations Assessed Penalty

Teck Metals Ltd. (Teck) has been assessed a penalty in relation to five charges under the Fisheries and Environmental Management Acts relating to incidents at Teck Trail Operations between November 2013 and February 2015. A portion of the penalty will be designated for local environmental conservation funds. The charges relate...

OP/ED: West Kootenay Labour Council calls for action on missing/murdered Aboriginal women

“March 8 is International Women’s Day (IWD) and this year we are hopeful that justice for Indigenous Women will move forward with the government’s announcement of the long awaited inquiry on missing and murdered aboriginal women,” said Debbie Bird, President of the West Kootenay Labour Council. “Every year women and men around...

Call for Entry: Artists/ Heritage Venues

Call for entry: registrations are being accepted for artists/venues in the Columbia Basin to participate in the 8th annual Columbia Basin Culture Tour (CBCT), a celebration of culture taking place Aug. 13-14, 2016 from 10 am to 5 pm. The CBCT is a self guided tour showcasing local arts, culture and heritage offered at no...

Selkirk College Hockey Team Secures Post-Season Home Ice Advantage

The student athletes on the Selkirk College Saints hockey team stepped up their road game this past weekend and returned to the West Kootenay with two huge victories against the Simon Fraser University Clan and the Trinity Western University Spartans. The pair of late-season wins locked down a regular season British Columbia...

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