

Overdue wildlife photographer found safe and sound near Golden

Golden RCMP is reporting that a  local wildlife enthusiast was located safe and sound on Sunday, in the Blaeberry Valley area, after spending the night outdoors.  Cpl. Dan Moskaluk said the Golden Field RCMP had activated the Golden and District Search and Rescue team on Saturday night, when the man was reported as overdue. ...

Music Festival at Slocan in Mid-July -- Mark the Calendar!

Unity Music Festival is a sweet family festival on the beautiful beach of Slocan BC.  Held this year from July 15th -17th, Unity features world and dance music and includes many genres of music to delight everyone's tastes including showcasing the talented local artists of the Kootenays.  Organizers say  "This area is a hotbed...

TeckServ Student Internship Supports Rural Community Development

Funding is available to help organizations work with post-secondary students to undertake community-based research in the West Kootenay and Boundary regions. The annual TeckServ Internship, now in its sixth year, provides support for a Selkirk College student to engage in local community service through an applied research ...

Local family 'devastated', police frustrated by ill-advised Facebook post

Kootenay residents got an object lesson in the potential hazards of social media this week after a Facebook post damaged a Trail man’s reputation – possibly irreparably - spreading at least as far as Alberta, according to RCMP Cpl. Darryl Orr. Orr said two girls perceived a local man’s behaviour as suspicious, believing he ...

People around the globe are encouraged to flick the switch for Earth Hour

Get ready to turn out the lights . . . turn out the lights. Earth Hour is upon us — Saturday between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. People throughout the world, including Canadians, British Columbians and West Kootenay/Boundary folk are encouraged to join in the powering down Saturday, March 19 during Earth Hour 2016. “An hour without ...

How to keep chicks happy - but not within Castlegar city limits

Ed. Note: Urban chickens are not allowed within Castlegar city limits. But enough people in the surrounding areas are looking for direction on creating small personal flocks that we thought this was interesting and relevant information, courtesy of Amy Enns, owner of Fluster Cluck Farm (and also the photographer who took the...

Trail's new bridge to be named 'Columbia River Skywalk'

Columbia River Skywalk is the name that has been selected for the Pipeline/Pedestrian Bridge that is currently being constructed and will span the Columbia River from Rotary Park (west) to McQuarrie Street (east) in Trail. The name, submitted by Trail resident Glenn Schneider, was among the 80+ suggestions that were submitted...

FortisBC Grant Energizes Selkirk College’s Sustainability Project

 A $10,000 grant from FortisBC has energized Selkirk College's quest for sustainability, joining together as leaders in the community. "Sustainability is important at the college," says grant applicant and Selkirk College Geography and Hydrology instructor Allison Lutz. "It's our responsibility as leaders in our community to...

Fatal accident at Whistler

A woman has died after a skiing mishap at Whistler, according to RCMP Staff Sgt. Steve LeClair. "On March 15, at approximately 11:40 a.m., Whistler Blackcomb contacted Whistler RCMP to advise of a fatality on Blackcomb Mountain in the Seventh Heaven area," LeClair said. "An adult female was skiing with her husband when they...


Editorial Note:   In the column below,  Dermod Travis points out many instances of close correlation between large donations  by corporations to the Liberal Party of  BC and lucrative contracts awarded to  those corporations.  Now, as any scientist will tell us, correlation is not proof of causation -- but it's a good reason...

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