

BC RCMP to be armed with Naloxone

Provincial Health officer Dr. Perry Kendall and director of police services Clayton Pecknold, co-chairs of the Joint Task Force on Overdose Response, have released the following statement. "We strongly commend the RCMP for proceeding with a national rollout of naloxone for both their member's safety, as part of their personal...

Selkirk College and Zellstoff Celgar Bonded By History and the Future

It’s a kindred bond that has provided an economic and social foundation for the West Kootenay over the last 50 years. Fuelled by the natural resources that drive the regional economy, Zellstoff Celgar and Selkirk College help define what it is to live in rural British Columbia. Both came to be in the 1960s, a time of great ...

FortisBC receives approval for adjustment to natural gas rates

In a media release, FortisBC announced it has received approval from the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to modify natural gas rates. Beginning October 1, 2016 customers will see changes to their bill. “Natural gas prices have risen since spring 2016. The hotter-than-normal summer, for most of Canada and the US, has resulted...

Castlegar's Take Back the Night event slated for Oct. 6

Take Back the night is an international annual event which is locally organized by Castlegar’s Violence Against Women in Relationships (VAWIR) committee. The Castlegar VAWIR Committee welcomes you to join our annual Take Back The Night Event on Oct. 6. Take Back the Night is an international event with the mission of ending...

Crash sends one woman to hospital

Regional Fire Rescue crews responded to a call-out Sunday night at roughly 8:45 p.m. to lower Casino Road, straight across from Glenmerry. Deputy regional fire chief Dan Derby said a single vehicle with one occupant had gone over the banks, and crews arrived to assist BC Ambulance Service in extricating the driver. One woman...

Selkirk College Set for Golden Weekend

The doors opened to a new era of post-secondary learning 50 years ago when Selkirk College welcomed students seeking a brighter future from across the West Kootenay and Boundary region. When the residents of six school districts — Trail, Nelson, Castlegar, Slocan, Grand Forks and Arrow Lakes — voted in a referendum on February...

Kimberley, Steelworkers 1-405 ratify agreement

The City of Kimberley and the United Steelworkers Local I-405 ratified a four-year collective agreement. The tentative settlement was previously agreed to on August 29th and replaces the previous contract that expired on February 29th, 2016. “We are very pleased to have this new contract in place," said Mayor Don McCormick,...

Buzzing with fowl play: council votes to allow discussion on urban chickens and bees

Castlegar city council voted unanimously at their regular meeting last night to discuss a motion to allow chickens and beekeeping within city limits – it doesn’t mean they are allowing either, just that they will discuss the possibility at their next regular meeting Sept. 19. As many as 30 people showed up to hear the outcome...

Castlegar Search and Rescue hosts massive region-wide training weekend

Search and Rescue (SAR) teams from all over the southeast region of the province converged on the Slocan Valley for a weekend of training exercises from August 19 to 21. The SAREX (short for search and rescue exercise) was a huge success with over 65 volunteers in attendance from various teams from the southeast region of...

Cops for Kids 2016 comes to Castlegar, Nelson, Rossland, Grand Forks

Twenty-eight riders and seven support people from RCMP and supporting enforcement agencies within South East District will embark on the 15 annual Cops for Kids Ride on Sept. 9 (this Friday). The 2016 Ride will take the team across the southeastern corner of B.C., to raise awareness and essential funds for children in medical,...

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