

Second thoughts spur councillor to change pot vote

Nelson City Council has taken a step back in its plan to pass a bylaw that would effectively ban all cannabis dispensaries from the city. Council withdrew its adoption of an amendment to the zoning bylaw prohibiting dispensaries on Wednesday morning, when it resumed its regularly monthly meeting. Council had given third reading...

Snow, Avalanches, and a Rescue Story

Here in southern BC, it is still alarmingly warm for skiers awaiting snow.  It rains, or the sun shines, and we wait, and look at a thin bit of white decorating local mountain-tops, and look askance at the thermometer registering over 12 degrees C. -- or whatever well-above-freezing, balmy temperature it happens to be at the...

Fire forces eight people/two cats from Columbia Avenue home

A house fire on Columbia Avenue this afternoon saw eight people and two cats evacuated. The call came in at 12:49 p.m., according to fire chief Gerry Rempel. “It appears to have started in the upper unit, but right now we’re ventilating so we can get a good look and see what happened,” he said. The fire is largely contained,...

Fowl play at council - urban chicken project takes wing

It’s official – the urban chicken pilot project in Castlegar is set to soar, after city council’s regular meeting Monday night. But it won’t be a poultry free-for-all, and not everyone with a hen yen can fly out and buy birds. A key element of the project will be a steering committee involving members from SPCA, Bear Aware,...

Selkirk College Connects Students to Resources with Web App Aiming to Support Wellbeing

A playful and comprehensive online resource mapping wellbeing resources in the West Kootenay is live at you.selkirk.ca The interactive website designed for mobile devices aims to lead students to mental health support services in the community with a simple click. It was created in collaboration between Selkirk College Digital...

BCHighways app makes driving safer and easier

Easy to access roadway information and maps will make it much easier for motorists planning their daily commute with a new, free BCHighways app that uses information from DriveBC. Created by AirSenze Solutions, BCHighways provides real-time access to provincial highway information including road closures, planned work and...

Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure announces Balfour Ferry Terminal to stay

The Balfour Ferry Terminal will remain, in Balfour. Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, Todd Stone made the announcement Thursday in a media release on the government website. Stone said in the release the decision came following the close of consultation on the future of the Balfour inland ferry terminal. He added...

Second sunken boat finally removed from Nelson waterfront

A second boat that sunk on the Nelson waterfront recently has the city’s mayor looking for answers again from the provincial government about removing derelict craft from local waters. The bow of a cabin cruiser could be seen poking out of the shallow water near the Prestige Marina on Kootenay Lakefor several days. The pleasure...

Grow-vember campaign raises funds, awareness for men’s health

There is something hairy about November that will soon be cropping up on the faces of men across the region. The Canadian Cancer Society is challenging men in the Southern Interior to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, in particular prostate and colorectal cancer, by taking part in Grow-vember. The annual health...

Time Change Weekend — Time to Fall Back

To Time Change, or not to Time Change . . . that is the question. The first Sunday of November has been designated as the end of Daylight Savings Time in most places. However, for people wanting to not change at all, there's a resident in Kamloops has started an online petition to stop Daylight Savings Time. Robert Dieno has...

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