

Fire fighters/ police work to rescue patient near river Monday

Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue was called Monday afternoon for a river rescue,according to Cpt.. Grant Tyson. Tyson said they received a call from RCMP at 5:35 p.m. indicating a patient was trying to enter the Columbia River with the intention of harming themselves. “A search along the shoreline was made, however the...

Selkirk College Moves Forward with Additional Tech Programming

 Efforts to better prepare the West Kootenay and Boundary region for emerging opportunities in the tech sector has received a boost with Selkirk College’s plan to introduce two new programs that will provide learners with the education and skills required for future business and employment needs. The Provincial Government has...

Evaluation of Hwy 3A mudslide aftermath continues

The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) continues to work alongside other agencies to assess the area affected by yesterday’s mud slide at Sentinel Mountain. The event lead to a Declaration of a Local State of Emergency in Area I and an evacuation order for a single property that was at risk. “As of this morning, the...

LETTER: In opposition to Kinder Morgan

To The Editor: I was appalled to hear that the Prime Minister intends to provide a Texas extraction company with billions of tax dollars to foist their dirty pipeline on a reluctant province.  First of all, the Trudeau government has no such mandate.  This government pledged to be a proactive partner in the fight against...

Selkirk College Invites Community Input on Strategic Plan

The shared vision and purpose of Selkirk College is now open to guidance from community stakeholders as the local post-secondary embarks on a strategic plan renewal. Students, staff, alumni, retirees and community members are being encouraged to contribute thoughts and ideas that will help strengthen the future of the college...

Yogathon for Mental Health this weekend at Complex

The organizers of Castlegar's Second Annual Yogathon for Mental Health are ramping up for their event this Saturday, April 21 at the Castlegar Community Complex from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. There will be by-donation drop-in yoga classes suitable for all levels throughout the day with prizes to be won at every class. This year the ...

An aquatic moss can remove arsenic from water

Parts of Rossland are known to contain higher-than-average naturally occurring levels of arsenic. Arsenic is widely recognized as poisonous, as shown in such entertainments as "Arsenic and Old Lace" -- a play written in 1939, and made into a movie in 1944, starring Cary Grant -- and in a number of whodunnit crime novels. For...

Congratulations Chris Bell, Community Futures Volunteer of the Year

Community Futures Central Kootenay (CFCK) is pleased to recognize Chris Bell for his years of volunteer work in Castlegar and the Central Kootenay. He has been involved in a variety of organizations, lending his good-natured expertise to many projects. Since 2010, Chris Bell facilitated the Castlegar-based Kootenay Business...

Cop car involved in MVI that closes Hwy 22

A two-car MVI on Hwy 22 near the Birchbank Golf Course saw traffic brought to a halt Wednesday evening, according to Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue Captain Grant Tyson. He said the call came in at 5:05 p.m., and three Trail firefighters arrived on scene to a two-vehicle MVI at 5:18 p..m. "There were three patients...

BREAKING: Hit-and-run suspect faces laundry list of charges

A 27-year-old man is facing a variety of charges after allegedly hitting a pedestrian and her dog while driving drunk, according to Castlegar top cop Sgt. Laurel Mathew.   "On April 5, 2018 at 9:20 p.m, Castlegar RCMP responded to a complaint of a hit-and-run where a female pedestrian and her dog were struck by a truck and ...

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