

Have your say this fall!

Have you moved or changed your name since the last election?  Are you a registered voter for BC? The BC government wants to make sure that everyone who is eligible can vote in the October – November referendum on electoral reform, and urges everyone to either register, or make sure their voter information is up-to-date. Chief...

Column: From the Hill -- Court Ruling on KM Pipeline; an Emergency Meeting

Last Tuesday I was in Ottawa for an emergency meeting of the Standing Committee on Natural Resources in the wake of the Federal Court of Appeal decision that quashed the federal government’s approval of the Trans Mountain Expansion project.  The court quashed the approval based on two errors—the lack of consideration of marine...

Alleged sexual assault against minor on local bus, RCMP looking for witnesses

Police are seeking witnesses to an alleged sexual assault against a 13-year-old girl on a local transit bus, according to RCMP Acting Agt. Brett Turner. "On Thursday, Sept. 6, .... between 4:15 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., in Castlegar,, an alleged sexual assault occurred against a 13-year-old female passenger by an adult male while...

RDCK provides general up update and more on Syringa Creek wildfire

We have had some good news in the past week. In general, the cooler nights and shorter days are having a positive effect. The Evacuation Order for the Broadwater Road area north of Deer Park was downgraded to an Evacuation Alert, as was the Evacuation Order for the Sheep Creek Road area south-east of Salmo. That means that ...

Community Leadership! What’s important on City Council.

We all have ideas about how City Councillors should conduct themselves and all the things our council ought to do, but Monday evening’s session in Castlegar was presented by two well-informed experts on the topic whose ideas have withstood the test of reality.  If you have served on Council and think you’re...

From the Hill - MP speaks to wildfires

It’s now official — 2018 has just become British Columbia’s second worst forest fire season in history, second only to last year.  Residents have endured weeks of heavy smoke, some have been evacuated from their communities, and some have unfortunately lost their homes.  Businesses have suffered as tourists leave or stay away,...

Evacuation ORDER issued for Renata to Shields Point

The Bulldog Mountain wildfire (N52497) is experiencing growth and is still being responded to by BC Wildfire Service. Due to wildfire activity and forecast conditions, the Southeast Fire Centre has recommended the current Evacuation Alert in the area be immediately upgraded to an Evacuation ORDER as a precaution. The Evacuation...

Wildfire near China Creek 22 hectares in size

A wildfire was discovered yesterday six km northwest of Genelle and about seven km west of Blueberry, according to Fire Information Officer Ashley Davidoff. “It’s roughly 22 hectares in size,” Davidoff said, adding the blaze is believed to be lightning-caused. “Resources on site today include ground crews and two bucketing ...

CORRECTION TO LOCATION OF RECEPTION CENTRE: Evacuation ORDER issued for properties north of Deer Creek wildfire

The Deer Creek wildfire (N52489) has now grown to approximately 439 hectares and is still being responded to by BC Wildfire Service. Due to wildfire activity and forecast conditions, the Southeast Fire Centre has recommended the current Evacuation Alert in the area be immediately upgraded to an Evacuation ORDER for 13 properties...

Environment Canada calling for cool temperatures and rain this weekend

The Air Quality Index in Castlegar has improved to ‘unhealthy’ from yesterday’s ‘hazardous – a dramatic improvement, but that’s the least of today’s good news. Environment Canada is now calling for low temperatures and rain over the weekend, beginning Thursday night, and carrying on, potentially, through until at least Monday...

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