

COMMENT: At $18.2 million, election campaigns don't come cheap in B.C.

They're off. The start to B.C.'s official pre-campaign period for the 2013 election campaign is well underway.    Day one of the pre-campaign would have been an easy miss, coming as it did on the same day a meteor crashed to earth and the Canucks fell to the Dallas Stars.    Heck, Elections BC didn't even post a news release...

Liberals setting next government up for failure, say independent MLAs

Independent MLAs say the current government is putting a stranglehold on the post-election government by deliberately cutting short funding supply for operations. In a statement released this week, the four independents say that no government in the past has taken this approach in advance of an election. "We are calling on ...

LETTER: IntegrityBC recommends platform commitments for all parties before election

IntegrityBC has released a letter that it has sent all 24 registered political parties in the province detailing a series of recommendations on electoral reform and government accountability for each party to consider putting forward in their respective platforms for the May 14th general election. The letter has also been...

COMMENT: Why this problem can’t be buried

Twenty-five years ago, after consensus on the reality and impacts of manmade climate change led to the formation of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, western governments had two choices. They could either stop subsidising fossil fuel industries and invest the savings in promoting energy efficiency and renewable...

A Smart Meter bombshell?

Surrey-Whiterock MLA Gordon Hogg’s office just released information that is being welcomed by the many thousands of British Columbians opposed to the forced installation of wireless smart meters. Mr. Hogg’s office reports that last Wednesday, Energy Minister Rich Coleman advised that individual home owners who continue to...

COMMENT: Mortgaging BC, one deal at a time

If the B.C. government is ever on the hunt for a new slogan perhaps “spending our children's inheritance” would be fitting.  Since 2001, British Columbians have been witness to the sale of key parts of B.C.'s infrastructure, transfers of its wealth to private interests and sweetheart deals for industries that can afford...

COMMENT: Idle some more?

I am not sure if Idle No More is a movement or merely a passing protest. Like Occupy Wall Street before it, Idle No More, above all, appears to be an expression of frustration. Earlier protest actions opposed the status quo, but they did have a clear focus — civil rights, women’s rights and gay rights — visions for a new...

COMMENT: Picking our pockets

The B.C. government likes to boast that the province's personal income tax rates are among the lowest in the land, if not the lowest. Expect to hear it repeated a lot in TV ads over the coming weeks, when the legislature reconvenes in February and when the 2013 provincial budget is tabled.   On one level they're right. On...

COMMENT: For frack’s sake

When Josh Fox received a letter offering him nearly $100,000 for the natural gas extraction rights on his Pennsylvania property, his first reaction was: nice chunk of change. Then he started wondering what was involved in the hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) process proposed.  Looking for the answer took him on a road trip...

BC rolls out new card to replace CareCard

Starting Feb. 15, 2013, and over the next five years, eligible British Columbians between the ages of 19 and 74 will be required to replace their CareCard with the new BC Services Card by renewing their enrolment in the Medical Services Plan. The current CareCard was introduced in 1989 and has not been significantly updated...

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