

VIDEO: Kinder Morgan, Coal Ports could turn Vancouver into 'Carbon Corridor'

Check out this new video from the Wilderness Committee and Vancouver filmmaker Dan Pierce, titled "Save the Salish Sea: Protecting an Ecological Gem from Fossil Fuel Extraction." The 5 min film details the government and industry vision to transform Vancouver into a "carbon corridor" to export fossil fuels to new markets....

Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations balances the needs of patients with the safety and security of all Canadians

Editor, The Nelson Daily While the Courts have said Canadians must have reasonable access to a legal source of marihuana for medical purposes, the Government of Canada believes this must be done in a controlled fashion in order to protect public safety. On June 10, the Government of Canada announced the new Marihuana for...

Out of Left Field: Premier's response to Alberta flooding lukewarm at best

I was a little startled to read Premier Christy Clark's press release regarding Alberta flooding (see below) - there was no mention of flooding in B.C., no pledge of mutual assistance, nor any statement speaking to assistance already en route ... really, no information at all - I could've been more enlightened by a two-minute...

BC says no to Northern Gateway Pipeline

The following is a press release issued by the Environment Ministry: British Columbia has made its final written submission to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Joint Review Panel. In the submission, the province states that it cannot support the project as presented to the panel because Northern Gateway has been unable to address...

GARDEN WISDOM: All creatures, great and small, eat seedlings

Organic gardeners share one challenge that has many faces – how to nurse newly emerged seedlings along to the point when they are strong enough to defend themselves. Because seedlings are so tender and tasty, and low to the ground, they are easy pickings for a host of animals, from the very tiny to the enormous. Everything ...

GARDEN WISDOM: I love columbine!

The second half of May heralds the blooms of Columbine here in south coastal BC. The flowers only appear for a couple of weeks, but it’s so worth the wait. Take a walk through the UBC Botanical Gardens at this time of year, and you’ll see many variations on the theme, although only a sampling of the 70 or so species that...

BLOG: With the Liberals still up, it’s not time to sit down

If there’s one thing to take away from the recent election’s loss of a voice for the rainforest, it’s that protecting the largest temperate rainforest in the world is still possible–with or without politics and money being pushed into the controversial oil sands expansion that would potentially devastate this rare and critical...

GARDEN WISDOM: Bean Counting

Mid-May is an excellent time of year to plant drying bean seeds like red kidney beans, orca beans, or black turtle beans. These are all very productive crops, and the seeds are easy to extract and dry for use later in the year. Last year I planted an 8 foot row of kidney beans in one of the beds at Kirkland House in Ladner....

COMMENT: Can political polls be trusted?

[Editor's note: This piece was posted to the Common Sense Canadian just before Tuesday's election, but in the wake of the surprising results, it's more relevant now than then] Good thing most people don’t listen to the polls. If they did, they just might throw in their cards and give up. The clearest indication yet that...

COMMENT: Endbridge

On his return from an inspection trip to examine the results of the clean-up undertaken by Enbridge following an oil spill in Michigan, a Terrace municipal official was impressed with what he saw and experienced. He cautioned citizens to “dig into [the] facts who Enbridge is” when evaluating their proposal for the Northern ...

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