

B.C. government to study liquor in grocery stores

Beer from WalMart, wine at Save On Foods or spirits at the local corner store? Purchasing alcohol in grocery stores could be a reality sooner than consumers think as the provincial government plows though the responses from the Liquor Policy Review. "I've heard strong support for liquor sales in grocery stores and the added...

A few tips to think about prior to slipping on the Halloween costume

With young trick-or-treaters filling the streets and highways Thursday o Halloween night, it's imperative for drivers and candy seekers to take a moment to think about the upcoming fun times. ICBC said on Halloween night, an average, there are approximately 130 people injured in 90 crashes across the province. “As a parent ...

BC Attorney General announces changes to criminal records checks for non-profit groups

The BC Government is going to make it easier for coaches or volunteers to help the local youth soccer, minor hockey or any non-profit group by allowing free criminal record checks. The change is happening beginning November 30 said Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton announced in Saturday in Vancouver....

Brothers arrested in Oliver area bombing

Two brothers from Oliver BC, are in custody and facing charges in connection with the August 11 bombing incident in Oliver. One of the pair was also charged in connection with an incident which occurred shortly after the bombing, in which a can of bear spray was discharged in the residence associated to the bombed car....

Southern Interior drivers urged to adjust to fall and winter weather

Every year in October, an average of 28 people are injured or killed in crashes in the Southern Interior due to driving too fast for the conditions. However, those numbers more than triple to 97 in December as driving conditions worsen. Which is why ICBC has joined forces with police across the province to launch a speed...

COMMENT: Too big to fail

A recent headline announced that JP Morgan has reached a tentative $13-billion settlement with the US government for the role it played in creating the 2007-8 mess that left many nations, including Canada, in a prolonged state of economic dysphoria. JP Morgan was a central actor in the play that created this mess. How much ...

Greenpeace activists block pipeline terminal; Kinder Morgan says minimal disruption

The one-day protest by Greenpeace at the Kinder Morgan Metro Vancouver facility on Burrard Inletis over. Activists have left the Kinder Morgan tar sands tanker dock following their day long protest said Greenpeace media spokesperson. "We came to make a point and draw attention to the tar sands and the threat they pose," said...

College of the Rockies uses simulators to train haul truckers

Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk got a hands-on demonstration Wednesday of a haul-truck simulator during a visit to the College of the Rockies. "Haul-truck simulators at the college are preparing students in the region for B.C.'s mining sector with hands-on training," said Virk. "We expect thousands of jobs in the mining...

RCMP release video with hopes of turning up new evidence of missing Fort St. John woman

The B.C. RCMP's Serious Crimes Unit has released a re-enactment video of the day Abigail Andrews was last seen in Fort St. John with hopes of finding new information about the missing woman. Andrews, then 28-year-old at the time of her disappearance three years ago on April 7, 2010, was pregnant at the time. "A video re-enactment...

Thanksgiving long weekend one of the most dangerous on B.C. roads

Road conditions during the fall can be unpredictable across the province and even challenging in some areas, so ICBC is asking drivers to prepare their vehicles and plan their route before heading out this long weekend to help keep B.C. roads safe for everyone. During the Thanksgiving long weekend, on average, four people are...

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