

Five-semi trailer accident closes Trans-Canada highway near Moose Jaw

The Trans-Canada Highway near Champlin, Saskatchewan was re-opened Sunday afternoon following a five semi-trailer pile up. The icy Trans-Canada Highway has been re-opened after RCMP officers shut down the westbound lanes near Moose Jaw due to several jack-knifed semi trucks. ​ The highway was reportedly closed for several...

Study shows garlic makes baby formula safer to consume

Garlic may be bad for your breath, but it’s good for your baby, according to a new study from the University of British Columbia. The study, recently published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, is the first to identify two compounds derived from garlic – diallyl sulfide and ajoene – that significantly reduce the...

It's your highway, now public can have a say as provincewide consultation begins

Starting Friday, the public can have its say on highway safety and speed limits in British Columbia, as the public consultation component of the Rural Highway Safety and Speed Review gets underway. Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, said from Nov. 29, 2013 to Jan. 24, 2014, the Government of B.C. is ...

COMMENT: Parliamentary Secretary explains recommendation that alcohol be available in B.C. grocery stores

Consistent with support voiced by three-quarters of respondents during the just-concluded Liquor Policy Review, Parliamentary Secretary John Yap has endorsed liquor sales in grocery stores. Yap announced today that his final report recommends government move forward on developing and implementing a retail model that meets...

Government takes balanced approach with BC Hydro 10-year plan

Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister Responsible for Core Review Tuesday announced a 10-year plan that will keep electricity rates as low as possible while BC Hydro makes investments in aging assets and new infrastructure to support British Columbia's growing population and economy. Over the past several ...

Senior uses pocket knife to end dog fight

A 72-year-old Vancouver used a knife to end a dog fight near Kitsilano Beach Park, Nov. 20.  The unnamed man was walking his pug off-leash when it ran up to another dog. The dog, which was identified as a pitbull in a Vancouver Police Department press release, was on-leash and being walked by a woman.  The dog started to fight...

COMMENT: B.C.’s multicultural society is a crucial tie to international trade

Our province has created deep historical, cultural and business ties with countries around the world enabling us to create strong trading partnerships and diversify our markets. Each year B.C. welcomes close to 40,000 new immigrants because we recognize the importance of the wide-range of social and economic benefits associated...

Stay safe in the back-country this winter

A group of agencies with a mandate for public safety are joining together to provide information to help British Columbians stay safe in the backcountry during the upcoming winter season. Representatives from the BC Coroners Service, Environment Canada, Parks Canada and the Canadian Avalanche Centre are highlighting the risks...

Charities get green light from government to auction liquor

Non-profits and charities have a new way to raise money for causes that benefit society, as the B.C. government relaxes the rules around auctioning liquor. Following through on an earlier commitment, the B.C. government is allowing privately-donated liquor, such as a vintage bottle of wine or a rare bottle of scotch from an...

First casualties of the BC Government Core Review

The ministries in the BC Government — The Pacific Carbon Trust (Trust) andThe Provincial Capital Commission — Core Review Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister announced Tuesday. Bennett, responsible for Core Review, provided a progress update announcing the first decisions of the Core Review process to...

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