

The provincial government needs an education about education

I cannot decide if I should laugh or cry in response to the Provincial government’s exasperating effort to come up with lock-out terms for teachers. The government’s objective is to entice teachers to accept its conditions for a new contract. How can restricting the teachers’ hours at work, reducing their income by an arbitrary...

Missing elderly Chilliwack man may be in BC Interior

The Chilliwack RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance in locating a missing elderly Chilliwack man. William Mooney (Bill) was last seen on May 1 at a credit union on Cheam Avenue in Chilliwack. Police and family members are concerned for Mooney’s physical and mental health and are asking the public for their assistance in...

Walmarts and farmers’ markets—should people serve the economy or does the economy serve people?

Legions of political philosophers have written countless volumes on the subject of communities and their governance. The colours of their beliefs and theories put the brightest rainbow to shame, but one aspect on which reasonable political philosophers will agree is that a modern democratic political community cannot be...

Theives caught asleep at the switch in Agassiz

On Saturday, May 2nd, while conducting pro-active patrols Agassiz RCMP, arrested two males with a stolen truck. At approximately 10:26 p.m., a police officer observed a truck parked in the boat launch parking lot on Esplanade Avenue. The truck did not have a boat trailer attached. Upon investigation the licence plate had an...

HEU vote for strike action

B.C. health care workers have delivered an overwhelming strike mandate to back their negotiating team’s bid to secure a fair and respectful collective agreement with health employers. Members of the 11 unions that form the Facilities Bargaining Association voted 96 per cent in favour of strike action after a month of balloting...

Premier speaks to Nanaimo shooting

Premier Christy Clark delivered the following statement in the legislature following the tragedy at Western Forest Products Mill in Nanaimo: Madam Speaker, Earlier today (April 30), a horrible tragedy took place in Nanaimo. Police were called to the Western Forest Products Mill in response to calls about a shooting. The RCMP...

Students get sick from eating pot-infused edibles

Over the past week, several high school students in North Vancouver became sick from eating pot-infused edibles. The grade ten students from two separate high schools became sick enough for one of them to be taken to the hospital while the other went home.  What is becoming more common, and available to children, are food...

COMMENT: Kootenay ALC stats cast doubt on Bennett's claims

IntegrityBC has reviewed 660 applications to the Agricultural Land Commission filed in the Kootenay district, following comments from Bill Bennett, Minister Responsible for the Core Review, that the proposed changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve are the result of listening to his constituents. “Based on Bennett's claims ...

Second round voting would help achieve fair representation

The Canada Elections Act needs amending. It encourages and rewards abuse. However, I disagree with the amendments pursued by the federal government. Bill C-23 ignores the principle of equality of representation which is the problem at the root of the Canada Elections Act. In a multi-party society the first-past-the-post voting...

Putin, Petrorubles and Our PM’s Bad Posture

Stephen Harper’s embarrassing behaviour regarding the crisis in Ukraine — demonizing Vladimir Putin and upping the rhetoric — must be welcomed in the U.S. which created the crisis in the first place and apparently believes it still has something to gain by isolating Russia. But it is not clear that Harper even realizes — or...

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