

Wildlife detectors to be installed on Hwy 3 near Elko, Sparwood

The B.C. government is about to pilot two new high-tech wildlife detection systems on Highway 3, to help warn motorists when wildlife is on or near the highway. There will be two locations for the wildlife detection systems on Highway 3 - the Elko site, approximately 1 km east of Elko, and the Michel site, approximately 2 km...

Free firewood permits ensure wood is cut legally

During these cool autumn evenings, many British Columbians are starting to light their fireplaces or wood stoves to help keep their homes warm. However, people who cut or use firewood must ensure that it was harvested legally. Before collecting firewood please obtain a firewood permit to ensure that your firewood collection...

Trio of sexual assaults has Kelowna RCMP issuing public warning

Kelowna RCMP have issued a warning to the public to be on the lookout after reports of a trio of recent sexual assaults in the Central Okanagan City. Police said the person approached with the face covered with the hood of the sweater. the perpetrator was wearing. Two of the assaults involved unwanted touching while the third,...

Winning ticket in Saturday's 6-49 draw won in Ontario

Residents of BC need not worry about any outlandish lotto dreams after a single ticket sold at a lottery outlet in Mississauga, Ont. is going to cash in on the largest lottery jackpot in Canadian lottery history. The winning ticket for Saturday's 6-49 draw $64-million grand prize was sold in the community just west of Toronto....

BC automobile insurance giant makes 2015 basic rate application

In prepared statement, (Insurance Corporation of BC) ICBC will submit the remainder of its 2015 basic rate application Thursday with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC), asking for a 5.5 per cent increase to basic insurance rates – lower than the earlier potential for 6.7 per cent. ICBC said in the release, if ...

IIOBC to Investigate In-Custody Death in Lillooet

The Lillooet RCMP has called the Independent Investigations Office of BC following an early morning incident, which has resulted in an in-custody death. The RCMP said shortly before 8:30 a.m. Wednesday (October 14), police were called to the Bridge Indian Band Office in Lillooet to follow up on a report a male had entered the...

Controlling spending in good times would have meant $4.4 billion surplus today—not $5 billion-plus deficit

Had the Alberta government increased spending more prudently over the past decade, the province would today enjoy a surplus, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “The view that falling oil prices are chiefly to blame for Alberta’s deficit is...

OP/ED: Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness speaks to Search and Rescue funding

By Naomi Yamamoto B.C. Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness Without a small army of 2,500 volunteers and the $6.3 million that the Province spends to fund their searches, the lost might not be found in B.C.'s backcountry. Since April there have been 130 more calls for rescue from throughout the province compared to ...

OP/ED: BC Government patronage appointments mean little or no push back

New York Senator William L. Marcy could have just as easily been referring to B.C. in 2015 – and not the 1828 victory of the Jackson Democrats – when he boasted "to the victor belong the spoils." Even he would have marvelled at the spoils available in B.C. Other provinces have their Crown corps and spots on various boards to...

More students deciding independent schools better than public

Private school enrolment across Canada is up by almost 17 per cent while public school enrolment has decreased eight per cent, according to a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. The study, Where Our Students are Educated: Measuring Student Enrolment...

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