

BC government announces contingency plans in place during Canada Post disruption

Arrangements are being made to ensure that British Columbians continue to receive cheques and critical documents in the event of a Canada Post labour disruption. British Columbians who receive government funds by direct deposit will not be affected by the labour action and will continue to receive their payments. For those ...

Duckface allowed: BC SPCA wildlife photography contest now open for entries

Ready to go wild with your camera? The BC SPCA’s eighth annual Wildlife-In-Focus Photography Contest, featuring a new platform and a brand-new look, is now open for entries. Each year, participating shutterbugs strive to capture the best of British Columbia’s wildlife through the lens, from the comfort of their own backyards...

Man charged three years after the murder of Mission teen

On March 16, 2013 a Missing Person’s investigation was opened by Mission RCMP after 18-year-old Rachel Pernosky could not be located by family and friends. Her disappearance was out of character and caused great concern for her family. On March 19, three days after she was last seen alive, Rachel’s body was located in a rural...

October amnesty will take aim at illegal weapons

British Columbians can unload old guns, ammunition - any unwanted firearms or weapons - and ensure they never end up in the hands of criminals during a provincewide amnesty Oct. 1-31, 2016. The month-long amnesty will apply to any documented or undocumented firearms and other weapons - including restricted and prohibited ones...

Ministerial statement on medical assistance in dying

Health Minister Terry Lake and Attorney General Suzanne Anton released the following statement yesterday on medical assistance in dying: "As of June 6, 2016, assisted dying is no longer illegal in Canada and the requirement for court approval has been removed. As laid out in the Supreme Court of Canada's February 2015 ruling,...

Mental health system could do more to ensure people can access specialized services

Auditor General of British Columbia Carol Bellringer issued her latest audit May 17: Access to Adult Tertiary Mental Health and Substance Use Services. Bellringer's team looked at how B.C.'s health system manages access to the highest level of mental health and substance use services. They found pockets of good practice, but...

BC Coroner releases fatal drug overdose statistics

The BC Coroners Service has posted the most recent statistics on illicit drug overdose deaths in B.C. to its website. The total number of illicit drug overdose deaths in B.C. to April 30, 2016, is 256. This represents an increase of 88.2 per cent from the 136 deaths that occurred in the same period last year. Fentanyl was...

Crews continue efforts on wildfires in northeast B.C., most of which were human-caused

Recent warm, dry conditions have led to increased fire activity in the Prince George Fire Centre. Scattered showers are forecasted for this weekend which should aid fire suppression efforts. There are currently seven wildfires of note, which are all located in the Peace Region. The Beatton Airport Road wildfire, which is...

BC Liquor Stores accepting donations for Fort McMurray

As wildfires rage in Fort McMurray, Alta., forcing the emergency evacuation of 80,000 residents, BC Liquor Stores customers can support Red Cross relief efforts there by donating at stores throughout the province. Starting today, BC Liquor Stores customers can donate $2, $5 or more to help the Red Cross in Alberta reunite...

BC aims to stop profits from crime in wake of Pickton book

Murderers and others convicted of serious crimes will not be able to profit from their crimes through memoirs or memorabilia and inflict further anguish on their victims and families, under proposed legislation introduced today. If passed, the Profits of Criminal Notoriety Act will target those who attempt to benefit from the...

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