

Vote for government trusted to put kids first — BCTF

The BC Teachers Federation is firing the first shot over the bow as the province nears the upcoming election with a new ad expected to hit the airwaves Monday. The ad is the first part of the BCTF's campaign leading up to the provincial election and the period when school district budgets will be set for the coming school...

Bad Service, No Tip — Insights West Survey

Insights West is a progressive, Western-based, full-service marketing research company said a recent survey revealed a third of British Columbians refuse to tip at restaurants where they perceive to have received bad service. However, the survey went on to say most are happy to reward food servers with a higher gratuity if ...

B.C. Liberals' electoral finance reform package doesn't amount to much

Last week Premier Christy Clark heard the four letters that every politician dreads, particularly when it's hitting close to home: RCMP. Only five days after announcing its investigation into the Globe and Mail's report that some lobbyists may have had their personal donations to the B.C. Liberal party and NDP reimbursed by...

BCTF vote results on implementation of restored language

BC Teachers' Federation members voted overwhelming to ratify the agreement to implement their restored collective agreement language a BCTF media release said on its website Friday. The BCTF said the agreement will see all the substantive working conditions that were unconstitutionally stripped from teachers' collective...

It pays to be a government employee in Alberta

With the Alberta government set to unveil another large budget deficit next week, a new study by the Fraser Institute finds that all public-sector workers in the province — including federal, provincial and municipal employees — receive higher pay, on average, than comparable workers in the private sector and enjoy more...

Be well rested for Daylight Savings Time

ICBC is calling on drivers to get some extra rest this weekend to prepare for the shift to Daylight Saving Time, which kicks in Sunday (March 12) at 2 a.m. Losing an hour of sleep may have an impact on your alertness and reaction time when driving. That's why ICBC is reminding drivers to be make an extra effort to adapt to ...

B.C. Green Party announces platform to end unethical fundraising

The B.C. Green Party is making life as difficult as it can for the to mainstream parties after party leader Andrew Weaver announced Tuesday a number of measures to deal with ethics in the upcoming provincial election. Weaver, the member for Oak Bay-Gordon Head in Victoria, said during a press conference the B.C Green Party ...

ICBC increases fairness of basic insurance rates

ICBC is updating basic insurance to increase the accountability of drivers who cause crashes by changing how much an at-fault crash affects their basic insurance rates. This will help to alleviate the pressure on future rates paid by customers who don’t cause crashes. Going forward, drivers who cause multiple at-fault crashes...

B.C. farmers’ markets benefit from Buy Local funding

Farmers’ markets all over the province are enticing British Columbians with locally grown and produced products, fresh from their own backyards. The B.C. government’s Buy Local program is providing six local farmers’ markets with a combined total of $57,055 in funding. The Buy Local program is helping agrifood companies promote...

Vast majority of government infrastructure spending unlikely to grow economy

Only 11 cents of every dollar in new federal government infrastructure spending will be spent on highways, bridges, railways and ports—projects that can actually help improve Canada’s economy, finds a new study by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. This finding corroborates...

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