

Canada’s personal income tax turns 100

After 100 years of taxing Canadians, the personal income tax, which began as a small wartime revenue generator, has morphed into a costly, complex behemoth that’s difficult to administer and makes Canada very uncompetitive, finds a new collection of essays by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public...

CFIA expands Robin Hood Flour E. coli recall warning

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has expanded its original recall of Robin Hood brand All Purpose Flour, Original from western Canada to include the entire country. The food recall warning originally issued on March 28, 2017 was updated Tuesday (April 4, 2-17) to include additional distribution information. Smucker Foods...

New specialty licence plates support charity, non-profit organizations

Building on the success of the BC Parks licence plates unveiled earlier this year, ICBC is working to expand its specialty plate program to include support for charities and not-for-profit organizations.  "The response to the BC Parks plates from British Columbians has been tremendous, with more than 14,000 Parks plates sold...

Deadline approaches for voters to register for BC Election

Elections BC is doing its best to reach out to potential voters for the past two months with staff going door-to-door, sending out cars through the mail along with flooding the public with advertising to build up numbers for the upcoming provincial election May 9. The deadline to pre-register of Tuesday, April 11, is slowly...

Fighting invasive mussels receives $3 million influx of funds

No matter what Mother Nature is throwing at us this spring, better weather is on its way. And as the boating season approaches, the B.C. government is once again adding to its arsenal in the fight to keep B.C. invasive mussel free by adding two new inspection stations, expanding inspection hours and the inspection operating...

Unifor Local 2000 fights to save journalism jobs

The future of journalism is under attack after the owner of the Vancouver Sun and The Province issued layoff notices to 54 people last week. Unifor Local 2000 is aggressively fighting these layoffs that, combined with 38 voluntary buyouts in January, will reduce staff from 220 to just 128 — a 42 per cent reduction in just a...

B.C. rolls out $95 million to support all 60 school districts

Government is providing school districts with a total of $95 million to help them extend the life of their facilities, put new supplies in classrooms and buy new school buses.  Every school district in the province will receive a portion of this funding, which is being allocated through four provincial programs. Under the...

Wanted: more walk, less talk in today’s federal budget

The federal government missed a key opportunity to walk the walk and tackle income inequality in today’s federal budget, says Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ Senior Economist David Macdonald. “While there are some positive aspects to Budget 2017,” Macdonald says, “let’s not mistake this for the bold, visionary...

Province to re-invest licence revenue back into wildlife management activities

As part of the Province’s long-standing commitment to healthy wildlife populations, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson announced Wednesday that all hunting licence revenue will be re-invested to enhance wildlife management activities. Based on input from stakeholders over the last few years,...

B.C.’s tourism sector off to great start in 2017

In the first month of 2017, international visitor arrival numbers continue to show positive signs of growth for the booming tourism sector in British Columbia. The latest numbers from Statistics Canada from January 2017 indicate a 9.2% increase over the same month in 2016, resulting in 23,427 more visitors arriving in B.C. ...

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