

Cst. Frederick “Rick” O’Brien honoured with a celebration of life at RCMP regimental funeral

Family and friends joined along with the RCMP to honour Constable Frederick “Rick” O’Brien with a full regimental funeral on October 4 at the Langley Events Centre. Cst. O’Brien was remembered by his friends and family for his love of family, his passion for helping others and his commitment to serve. The RCMP wishes to thank […]

BC Ombudsperson finds gaping holes in BC emergency relief programs

In a report released today, the BC Ombudsperson finds emergency support programs are outdated, under-resourced, inaccessible for vulnerable evacuees and poorly communicated and calls on government to take urgent action to better support people who are increasingly being displaced from their homes for long periods by extreme weather events. The report Fairness in a Changing […]

North Van RCMP stop 'L' driver travelling 199 km/h

This past weekend, officers from the North Vancouver RCMP Traffic unit pulled over a new driver for speeding after the vehicle was clocked going almost 200 km/h. RCMP said on Friday September 29th 2023, a Learner “L” driver was stopped after being clocked travelling at 199 km/h in a posted 80 km/h zone. The Learner […]

Input from sheriffs to strengthen access to court services

B.C.’s justice system will be strengthened by the B.C. Sheriff Service’s (BCSS) comprehensive plan to support sheriffs and make sure people have consistent, safer access to court services. “The work sheriffs do is critical to ensure people have access to courtroom services,” said Niki Sharma, Attorney General. “With law-enforcement agencies across the country experiencing recruitment […]

BC Minister makes statement on lives lost to poisoned drugs in August

Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, has released the following statement regarding the BC Coroners Service report on illicit drug toxicity deaths in August: “Today’s BC Coroners Service report for August 2023 tells a story we have heard too often. We are not just talking about numbers, we are talking about people. We’ve […]

BC Wildlife Federation's BC Rivers Day: The New Normal is anything but normal

September 24, B.C. Rivers Day highlights the decline of the province’s vital arteries  It is tempting to shrug off the latest catastrophic wildfire season as The New Normal and throw up our hands about the damage that incinerated forests do to B.C. rivers and fish habitat. Forest fires are normal, natural, and even rejuvenating for […]

State of emergency for BC ends, fire response continues

Based on advice from emergency management and wildfire officials, British Columbia’s provincial state of emergency will expire at the end of the day on Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023. The work of firefighters from B.C., Canada and abroad, as well as wildfire risk diminishing in much of the Province as temperatures cool, has led to many […]

BCGEU faculty agreements ratified under Shared Recovery Mandate

Five BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) faculty agreements reached at the common table under the Province’s Shared Recovery Mandate have been ratified by the board of the Post-Secondary Employers’ Association (PSEA). These agreements cover nearly 950 BCGEU faculty members, most of whom teach vocational programs. The PSEA and the BCGEU tentatively settled the common agreement […]

Five Tips to Protect Your Grandparents’ Privacy & Money Right Now

In today’s world, where technology keeps changing and scams are getting trickier, it’s really important to help our grandparents keep their private information safe and their money secure. BBB serving Mainland BC & Yukon recognizes that National Grandparents Day, celebrated on September 10, is a timely reminder of how important it is to spark a conversation […]

Young people with mental-health challenges get more support

Teens and young adults struggling with stress and anxiety will benefit from a mental wellness training program that will support them on their journey to well-being. The Province is investing $3 million over the next three years to support the continued delivery of YMCA’s Y Mind and Mind Medicine programs in 30 communities across B.C. […]

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