

CBC programming to highlight “new” standards?

You heard it here first...and hopefully last! I’ve been thinking--always a dangerous and sometimes a quite cheeky intellectual exercise--and I’ve come up with a few new program suggestions for CBC’s next television season … featuring a “Revised”  Program Standards Policy...

CST calls upon medical experts in BC to oppose Smart Meters

Citizens for Safe Technology Society (CST) has launched a Human Rights action against BC Hydro requesting accommodation of individuals refusing a wireless "smart meter" for health reasons. These are persons with a variety of health concerns ranging from cancer to heart problems, from seizures to electrosensitivity, and who ...

Fukishima nuclear disaster - one year later

A group of Canadian and American physicians, concerned about public health are organizing a one day conference to explore the potential health and environmental impacts from the troubled reactors in Fukushima and highlight the need for better monitoring and disclosure.The conference, The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster – One Year...

Clark breaks faith with Facebook users

Premier Christy Clark's Facebook page didn't come anywhere close in December to meeting the high expectations that the premier's office set out for the page itself, according to IntegrityBC. Premier Clark's page is being promoted with Facebook ads that promise: “I want to hear from you on how we can keep British Columbia...

Wireless innovations driving BC economy

We are fortunate in our lifetimes to have seen technology’s amazing ability to “amplify human potential,” as Microsoft founder Bill Gates said so aptly.In the last century, we saw how the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, and electricity transformed our society.  In the 21st century, the wireless revolution is transforming...

New Poll Results Released: Canadian Cancer Society calls on BC government to protect youth by restricting indoor tanning for those under 18

With a new poll showing strong public support for regulations which would prohibit youth under 18 from using indoor tanning equipment, the Canadian Cancer Society is calling on the BC government to introduce legislation as soon as possible in order to protect the health of BC’s youth.  “The BC government has the ability to ...

COMMENT: Federal Government comments damaging to the Impartiality of the joint review process

The First Nations Leadership Council is greatly troubled by recent comments by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Minister of Natural Resources Joe Oliver advocating for the proposed Enbridge Gateway pipeline to proceed even before the Joint Review Panel’s environmental review has begun.   Grand Chief Edward John states,...

Analyst says it: HST has hurt retailing

It didn’t get much attention when it was said just after Christmas: partially because many of us were still busy with the holiday season; but I noticed it. And also because it’s not something the pro-HST media pundits and propagandists would want to tell you about: so I will. In an article in The Vancouver Province about weak...

Cross-border deal's grave threats to Canadian food security

The following is the third installment of a three part investigation by Nelle Maxey into the wide-ranging environmental and socio-political implications for Canada of the recently signed US-Canada cross border security deal and ancillary agreements related to the Regulatory Cooperation Commission. Read part 1 and part 2 here....

Province increases homeowner grants threshold

British Columbians who own homes worth up to $1.285 million may be eligible to receive the entire homeowners’ grant this year, after the Province raised the threshold to accommodate rising property values. BC Assessment estimates the value of all homes based on their market value on July 1 each year. The Province then reviews...

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