

B.C. employment figures show lag

Employment numbers in British Columbia dipped in July after slight gains in June, as full-time positions replaced losses of part-time positions. In B.C., 14,500 jobs were lost, reflecting a national trend, as 30,400 jobs were lost across Canada. However, full-time positions in B.C. increased by 9,600 from June 2012, and the...

Return to PST should prompt tax reform, says Fraser Institute

If BC wants to reduce the negative effects that reintroducing the provincial sales tax will have on the province’s investment climate, it should consider exempting all business inputs from the PST, among other reforms, says Charles Lammam, Fraser Institute associate director of tax and budget policy research. The recommendations...

OP/ED: The Northern Oil Pipeline is 2013′s BIG Election issue

The battle lines are being drawn--maybe even purposefully manipulated--to give the Liberals at least some hope of retaining power in  BC’s next provincial election. It would have seemed implausible and statistically impossible only a few weeks ago for the Liberals to have a chance, given every poll over the past year. However...

OP/ED: B.C.'s Auditor General short changed by government

It's time to give B.C.'s Auditor General the necessary financial resources and tools to do the job, according to figures released by IntegrityBC today which compared the budget of B.C.'s Auditor General with that of his counterpart in Alberta For the fiscal year 2012-13, B.C.'s Auditor General has an annual budget of $15.75...

Provincial Government misses the mark: BC First Nations’ traditional territories and pristine environment not for sale

The leadership of the First Nations Summit is concerned with the approach laid out yesterday by BC on heavy oil pipelines in British Columbia. “Yesterday’s announcement clearly shows the Provincial Government is on the wrong track and does not fully understand the level of opposition or the reasons for opposition to both the...

Study sets out path to protect the Rocky Mountains’ wildest area

(Canmore, AB) At a time when National and Provincial Parks increasingly are under threat, a new study released today by the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) sets out a path to protect one of Canada’s great success stories – B.C.’s Muskwa-Kechika Management Area. Roughly the size of Ireland, the Muskwa-Kechika...

OP/ED: MLAs walk away with millions in pensions

By: Jordan Bateman, Director Canadian Taxpayers Federation With just ten months until the next provincial election, the lifeboats are starting to fill up as MLAs of both political persuasions look to leave the ship of state. That means one thing: millions of dollars in pension payouts, primarily funded by taxpayers. Dave Hayer...

LETTER: Health before lawns, says BC Cancer Society

To the Editor: The BC Special Committee on Cosmetic Pesticides released its report in May which contained 17 recommendations to the government.  Although these recommendations did not include an outright ban on lawn and garden pesticides, it’s important to note that the BC Government has not made a decision (and the Special...

Fortis introduces tiered rate structure

Beginning in July, FortisBC’s residential electricity customers will see a new residential conservation rate on their bill. Earlier this year, FortisBC received a decision from the BC Utilities Commission to implement this type of rate. The residential conservation rate establishes a two-level rate structure that offers a...

Ten years later, Vancouver aquarium celebrates release of Springer, the orphaned killer whale

Ten years ago, Springer (A73), an orphaned killer whale from Canada, brought together scientists, government officials, advocacy groups, and concerned citizens in a dramatic and moving rescue effort. Vancouver Aquarium played an integral role in Springer’s successful rescue, rehabilitation, and reintroduction back into the ...

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