

City Public Hearing Covers Sustainable (Official) Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw Proposed Changes to Allow Garden Suites, Tiny Houses and Cluster Housing

Approximately 20 residents, a near record crowd for an event of this type, attended Monday's Grand Forks City Council meeting to express interest in proposed changes to the Zoning Bylaw, most notably, changes that could allow garden suites and tiny houses on wheels that meet certain criteria. In a media release, City Council...

From The Hill: Fix the Phoenix payroll system

Recently, the Auditor General of Canada released a report that addressed the Phoenix payroll that has seriously affected the lives of thousands of civil servants across this country. More than half of the public service sector is caught up in this -- many are being paid well below their proper salaries, some are not being...

Grand Forks Birdwatchers Come Together to Participate in 118th Christmas Bird Count

Another Christmas Bird Count season is around the corner. Between December 14, 2017 and January 5, 2018, tens of thousands of bird and winter enthusiasts will rally together to count millions of birds across the continent as part of the 118th year of this long-running wildlife survey. On December 16th, participants in Grand...

Fall seeding — a great time to get a head start on next year

This is a great time of year to do some seeding.  When doing late fall seeding it is best to try and wait until just before the snow comes.  You don’t want the seed to germinate right before winter as it will die and you don’t want the birds to eat your seed off the ground.  Select which area you want to seed and take into ...

Transforming health care in the Boundary

When the sliding door of Walter Gambles’ van slammed closed and left a toonie-sized gash in his arm, the 82 year-old resident of Christina Lake figured he was destined for a trip to the emergency department in Grand Forks. On a whim, Gambles decided he’d check in at the Christina Lake Medical Clinic where he met with new...

City extends bylaw services in order to deal with bylaw issues, 22 transient camps

The city continues to grapple with the transient camp issue, both out on the street and along the river, as well as within council chambers. With 22 transient camps still in existence in the community — but only five on city-owned land — Grand Forks city council considered a request Monday night in its regular meeting to...

Grand Forks RCMP respond to man causing disturbance

During last 10 days Sgt. Jim Fenske, Detachment Commander for the Boundary Regional RCMP said police in Grand Forks have responded to two complaints regarding a male chasing two people in the area of Central Avenue from Motel 99 to the Shell Gas Station.  "In both instances there was no attempt at an abduction or an assault,"...

RDKB hosts Groundwater Licensing Workshop

Jessica Mace, Coordinator of the Kettle River Watershed Authority for the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary said in a media release that there is a Groundwater Licensing Workshop in November at the Community Centre in Midway. Mace said BC’s new Water Sustainability Act requires non-domestic groundwater users to obtain ...

Column: time to talk about universal pharmacare

Universal pharmacare is a hot topic on Parliament Hill these days.  The concept is simple—a single program that would ensure that all Canadians had free access to prescription drugs.  Canada is the only country in the world with universal health care that doesn’t include the cost of drugs in its coverage. And that doesn’t...

RCMP attend fatal accident near Grand Forks Tuesday

An accident near Grand Forks on Highway 3 has claimed the life of three people police said in a media release. At approximately 3 p.m. Tuesday, October 3, Grand Forks RCMP and RCMP West Kootenay Traffic Services attended to a head-on collision on Highway 3. Police arrjved to a two vehicle head-on collision, 9 kilometers West...

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