

Letter: No Canadian needs to face cancer alone

To The Editor: In light of the Greyhound bus lines reducing service in British Columbia, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to any people living with cancer who may be impacted by this withdrawal of service. No matter where you live, CCS is here to ensure that no Canadian has to face...

Kootenay, Boundary farmers preparing for climate change

New regional adaptation strategies are being developed to help Kootenay and Boundary agricultural producers prepare for climate change. Farmers in the East Kootenay, Central Kootenay and Kootenay Boundary regional districts have been invited to participate in the strategies' planning process on Dec. 4, 2018, in Creston and ...

Russell, McGregor re-elected to head up RDKB Board

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary board of directors re-elected Electoral Area D/Rural Grand Forks Director Roly Russell as board chair and Electoral Area C/Christina Lake Director Grace McGregor as vice-chair at the November 14 board meeting a media release said. “This has been an exhausting and interesting year as...

Premier’s letter assures commitment to flood recovery in the Boundary

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has received some good news regarding the aftermath of floods in the region last spring after BC Premier John Horgan gave written assurance from that the Province of BC is committed to flood recovery in the Boundary. In a media release the RDKB said Horgan's letter announced that...

Mini’ building boom ready to begin in city next year: Mayor-elect

The city is set for a mini building boom according to the mayor elect. Brian Taylor told a packed council chambers at the inaugural meeting of the new council on Nov. 5 that Grand Forks will likely be gripped in a mini boom as a result of at least three building projects slated to happen next year. Toward that end, Taylor...

Children’s books needed for Community Hamper Program

A record number of Community Christmas Hampers are expected to go out this holiday season and with that the need for more donations. The A Book Under Every Tree program, hosted by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) Boundary office, will begin collecting donations of new and gently used children’s books this week...

Board votes to prohibit or allow retail sale of non-medical cannabis in electoral areas

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary recently held its October Board Meeting. Here is a general overview of discussion items and major decisions from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) Board of Directors meeting. The next board meeting is on (Wednesday) November 14 at 6 p.m. in our Trail office. Cannabis...

Column: From the Hill -- the new Elections Modernization Act

This week the House of Commons passed Bill C-76, the Elections Modernization Act, the federal government’s answer to the so-called “Fair Elections Act” that the Conservatives enacted in 2014.  And although I and the rest of the NDP caucus voted in favour of the bill, I would say this bill is “a day late and a dollar short.”...

Letter: 100th anniversary of War Amps

To The Editor: As Remembrance Day approaches, I would like to pay tribute to the amputee veterans who founded The War Amps, which marks its 100th anniversary this year. On returning from the First World War, they came together to help each other adapt to their new reality. They then welcomed the next generation of amputee...

Fall is a great time for seeding

Late October into early December is a great time to do some seeding.  When doing fall seeding it is best to try and wait until just before the snow comes, so you will need to check the forecast.  Select which area you want to seed and consider what you want to use that piece of ground for.  Lawns require a very different seed...

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