

RDKB Code of Conduct for elected officials

During its June regularly scheduled board meeting, Regional District of Kootenay Boundary board members endorsed the new Responsible Conduct Guiding Principles Policy/Code of Conduct for RDKB elected officials. The document sets out clearly articulated expectations and minimum requirements related to integrity, accountability,...

Invasive Species — Orange hawkweed now in full flower

Orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum) is a native of central and southern Europe.  It is widely grown as an ornamental in gardens and then escapes. It is often spread by recreationists, pack animals, hay and gardeners sharing with friends. It is also found as a contaminant in bird seed and wildflower seed mixes. Some native...

New partnerships help Kootenay, Boundary farmers adapt to climate change

As climate conditions change, farmers in the Kootenay and Boundary regions will have more support with planning and preparing for growing crops and raising livestock and poultry. This support follows development of the Kootenay & Boundary Regional Adaptation Strategies. "Our government is committed to helping Canadian...

Council to deliberate buy out policy direction for more than 100 properties

In a media release, the City for Grand Forks said City Council will discuss the mitigation project buy outs and policy direction at the 9 a.m. July 15th Committee of the Whole. The meeting will hopefully give more information to residents about the process and in-kind support under consideration. The release said the property...

Selkirk College Saints Add Two More Building Blocks

The Selkirk College Saints continue to sculpt a squad for the upcoming British Columbia Intercollegiate Hockey League (BCIHL) season that puts emphasis on success at both ends of the ice. Former Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL) standouts Garrett Hilton and Derian Bamber have committed to the Saints for the...

From the Leg — Consider Going Electric

We have seen a lot in the media lately relating to the Climate Change targets for 2040 and the move to zero-emission vehicles. There are many “experts” that have been consulted about the realities of actually electrifying our transportation system in North America so I thought I would share one of those from the Manhattan...

Grand Forks finally to receive flood aid from Feds, Province

More than a year after Grand Forks experienced a flood of the century, federal and provincial governments have stepped up to the plate with $50 million for an important flood mitigation project in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary community of Grand Forks. Wednesday, Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister...

From the Hill: How the Canadian Senate operates (and kills bills)

Last week, the Canadian Senate killed all private members’ bills before them—29 bills, including my bill advocating for the use of wood in federal government infrastructure.  This was achieved by a very small group of Conservative Senators who wanted to block the passage of my colleague Romeo Saganash’s bill on the UN Declaration...

Emergency Alert System to be Tested June 21

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary will test its new emergency alerting system at 10:30 a.m. on June 21, 2019. Anyone registered will receive a test message via mobile cell phone app, SMS text message, voice message over cell or landline, or by email depending upon how the registrant has chosen to be notified when...

Timberwolves rebound from loss to Calgary Axemen in win over Olds Stingers

The West Kootenay Timberwolves hosted the higher-tiered Axemen and Stingers teams in Castlegar this weekend at the Complex.  The Timberwolves were impacted by a short bench on Saturday and fell to the Axemen 11-6. The home team rebounded with a solid 12-5 win against the Stingers on Sunday, in a game that saw the Timberwolves...

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