

Self isolation provides time for yard work, seeding, gardening

The Boundary Invasive Species Society has a new office. The new office is in the Riverside Centre in Rock Creek.   However, due to Covid-19 our office is currently closed to the public, but we will let you know when this changes.  You can still contact us with questions.  We would like to especially acknowledge and thank the...

Boundary Region COVID-19 pandemic Update

Local politicians in the Boundary Region came together on YouTube to keep the public up to date during the COVID-19 pandemic. Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor and Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Director Roley Russell were joined by Community Futures Boundary General Manager Jennifer Wetmore and Boundary Regional Chamber...

Boundary Region COVID-10 Update

Political representatives from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary and City of Grand  Forks recorded an update during the COVID-19 pandemic for the citizens of the Boundary region. Tuesday, Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor and Director Roly Russell were joined on the YouTube video by guests Diane Langman, RDKB Chair, and...

Report: Some COVID-19 patients remain infectious for several days after symptoms are gone

Information from a study of COVID-19 patients with mild cases, treated at the PLA General Hospital in Beijing, indicates that people should stay in isolation for a further two weeks after their last symptoms have disappeared. Dr. Lokesh Sharma of the Yale School of Medicine was a co-lead author of the report.  He commented,...

RDKB Parks and outdoor facilities closed in response to COVID-19

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has closed its outdoors facilities to discourage social contact in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. Closure signs have been posted in Grand Forks, Christina Lake, Rivervale, Oasis, Casino, Genelle, Fruitvale and Beaver Valley.  The following outdoor facilities are closed ...

COVID-19 Update from Grand Forks City Council – 2020-03-24

The members of Grand Forks City Council have gathered via electronic meeting to discuss some of the current priorities facing the community. Effective Wednesday, March 25, playgrounds and recreation sites including tennis courts will be closed to the public.  Open green spaces are closed for group activities but will remain...

Saddle Lake Dam freshet-ready as RDKB tracks 2020 snowpack

In a media release Friday, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary said the new Saddle Lake Dam Spillway in Area D / Rural Grand Forks is ready for the 2020 freshet. The RDKB said the project allows reliably management of water levels year-round at Saddle Lake and lower reservoir levels as snow melts from mid-elevation...

BREAKING: Province takes unprecedented steps to support COVID-19 response

Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, is using extraordinary powers under a state of provincial emergency to keep British Columbians safe, maintain essential goods and services, and support the Province’s ongoing response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19). “B.C. is in a strong position to effectively...

BREAKING: BC declares health emergency with 83 new cases today and seven deaths

In a press conference Tuesday afternoon, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry declared a provincial public health emergency, explaining there are now 83 new BC cases of COVID-19, bringing the provincial total to 186. There have also been three new deaths in the province: Two of the deaths were at the North Vancouver, ...

Colville School District closed awaiting Coronavirus test results

The Coleville School District has closed all its facilities and cancelled all planned activities while they await the results of a test for COVID-19, according to a press release posted on their website, which reads as follows: "This is a very important message from the Colville School District. In consultation with the NE ...

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