

Don't impose regulations and zoning controls on us, say area E residents

  As one of the few areas in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) to actually have population growth since 2001, the rural area around Bridesville is under pressure for development. Land values are increasing, residential sub-divisions are moving in from the Okanagan, and land is being bought for purely speculative...

Trustees pass conflict of interest guidelines at special meeting

 In probably one of the shortest meetings ever of the Board of Trustees for Boundary School District 51, the board tied off a few loose ends for the close of the school year. The main decision they made was to accept their conflict of interest guidelines as presented to the board in April of this year.  The guidelines have ...

Locals protest G8 / G20 summit adding their voice to the rally for peace

Grand Forks residents lent their voice to the collective voices of protesters across Canada on Friday as they rallied against the G8 / G20 summit being held in Toronto. Headed by the Boundary Peace Initiative (BPI), a small but vocal group gathered after their march through town at the Source on Market Ave. to share their...

Is it time for a recreation commission in Greenwood?

Greenwood City Council will be deciding the future of their recreation commission at their next meeting Monday night. For the last few years the commission has been a relatively informal group mostly acting as a conduit for funding from regional recreation to support local events. A recent request from the Friends of the...

Canada Day 2010 - Celebrating our diverse culture!

 Whether you’re in the mood to hike up Observation Mountain to sing O’Canada from the top, attending the dinner and dance in Greenwood, or just wanting to take in the entertainment at Gyro Park in Grand Forks, Canada Day is shaping up to be great fun!    Nigel James will be leading the assault of Observation in Grand Forks ...

OP/ED: US bans Monsanto's round up ready GE alfalfa

New Democrat Agriculture Critic, Alex Atamanenko (BC Southern Interior), says no matter how you choose to spin it, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that Monsanto’s genetically engineered roundup ready alfalfa will remain illegal to sell or plant for quite some time. According to the ruling genetically modified alfalfa...

SUMMING IT UP: Trees, dogs, deer and money all at Grand Forks City Council

Although a tree located at the Grand Forks Public Library has to be removed because of a bug infestation, the Grand Forks City Council refused to take out 15 trees on the main access road at the Evergreen Cemetery. A staff report to council advised them that the trees are a safety risk to the community because their roots...

Story pole raised in traditional way at Christina Living Arts Centre

Every community has a story. For Christina Lake the story dates back to the times before even the First Nations story began, back to the time that only exists in the legends of the S’nixit people who lived in the area. Marilyn James, of the S’nixit nation, explained that the story of Christina Lake is still being created in...

Phoenix Foundation hires first executive director

Since its inception in 1997 by a small group of local citizens, the Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary has grown to be host to over $1 million in endowment funds giving them the ability to grant money to community needs across the region. This year the Foundation has hit another milestone by hiring their first executive...


Jacob Tierney's hilarious The Trotsky that follows the story of Leon Bronstein (the phenomenal Jay Baruchel in a star-making performance), a precocious Montreal teen who fervently believes himself to be the reincarnation of Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky will be playing in Grand Forks courtesy of Spotlight Films.  Leon ...

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