

Smokescreen blocking the sun is not local

 If you are getting smoke in your eyes, chances are that it’s from fires raging as far away as the Cariboo. While the Boundary has seen quite a bit of smoke over the past weekend, there are actually only two small fires in the region. Some of the smoke may be wafting up from Washington State, but the majority seems to be...

Local meat producers invited to information session

 When the Ministry for Healthy Living and Sport announced new licencing to allow farm gate sales without inspections in June after essentially banning the same in 2007, many meat producers have contacted Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society (GFBRAS) for information about the new licence – class E.Meat producers...

Firebells and Fanfares weekend was a huge success!

Over the weekend Grand Forks was taken back across time as fire departments from B.C. and Washington State displayed antique fire trucks spanning from the 1800’s through today. Along with the fire trucks the downtown businesses hosted Midnight Madness with a vintage car show and shine, music in the streets, food and late night...

IHA introduces new emergency reponse teams to the region

 Interior Health (IH) is pleased to announce the launch of High Acuity Response Teams (HARTs) this fall that will enhance transport and care needs of acutely ill patients throughout the health region. These teams will consist of highly-trained critical care nurses responding with a BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) basic life support...

ARTS: Kettle Valley Brakemen stop at the Midway station

 The Kettle Valley Brakemen return to the Kettle River Museum in Midway on Saturday, Aug. 7 for their sixth annual afternoon concert of original railway tales and toe tapping tunes. Head Brakemen Jack Godwin says they’ll be playing many familiar favourites as well as introducing several new songs from their upcoming album...

SPORTS: Cycling road race challenged the masters

Riders from their mid-30’s to 76, including five women age 39 to 68, came from as far as Vancouver, Comox, Victoria, Calgary, and Whitehorse to participate in last week’s Masters Race sponsored by the Grand Forks Cycling Club. The three-day event started on Friday evening with a hill climb time trial, continued Saturday with...

ARTS: Dustin Bentall rides into town for the Starlight Saloon

Vancouver seems an unlikely place to nurture such a rustic troubadour as Dustin Bentall, but Canada seemed like an unlikely country to be the birthplace of artists like Rick Danko, Robbie Robertson, Garth Hudson, Richard Manuel or Neil Young. If you look you’ll find as deep a frontier spirit and hard luck charm as any...

ARTS: Indigo dying demonstration both a science and an art

People from age four to 70 came out last Saturday to experience the art of indigo dying. Not only did the visitors to Joybilee Farm get to test out the variety of blue tones in the indigo dye, but they were able to learn how the dye is created from the woad plant.At the 3rd Annual Indigo/Woad Day on July 24, 33 people came ...

Firebells and fanfares on the streets of Grand Forks

A fanfare is bringing in the month of August in Grand Forks, a fanfare of fire trucks and firebells that is. This weekend the Grand Forks Fire Department is hosting "Firebells and Fanfare" event gathering of antique fire fighting apparatus from throughout the Pacific Northwest. Firebells started with the Victoria Fire Department,...

City council says no to playing field - again I Question of the week

Presentations made by the members of the public took council to task over their lack of decision over the proposed multi-use playing field in City Park. Over 30 people crammed into Grand Forks City Council chambers on Monday night, July 19 to push the politicians to take a stand. In council’s last meeting a tied vote negated...

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