

35 medals come home with athletes from B.C. Seniors Games

Fifteen athletes from the Boundary brought home 35 medals from the 2010 B.C. Seniors Games – a heavy weight for their efforts. The region’s group, part of Zone 6 West Kootenay / Boundary, participated in the games in Comox Valley and Campbell River from Sept. 15 – 18.   The Participants:  CHRISTINA LAKE  Participant Event...

Breastfeeding - a reason to celebrate!

If you think of the perfect food it would create zero waste, give you great nutrition, and, best of all, protect against disease. Well, breast milk is nature’s perfect baby food providing all this and even helping mothers protect themselves against disease.   On Saturday, Oct. 2 at 11:00 a.m., mothers and babies at sites...

River testing underway with students from across the Boundary

The message has been clear since the Kettle River was named the most endangered in B.C.: the Kettle River watershed needs to be monitored and evaluated. In an initiative started by the Granby Wilderness Society (GWS), the first of what they hope will be years of testing are underway.   Jenny Coleshill, a biologist and...

Hospital auxiliaries care about local health

Teamwork was the theme as more than 125 volunteers met in Nakusp last week (Sept. 17) for the 2010 Kootenay Boundary Area Conference of the BC Association of Health-Care Auxiliaries (BCAHA). The kind of teamwork that saw more than 550 auxiliary members volunteer 131,000 hours of time raising almost $500,000 last year."You can...

Railway abandonment notices posted

The hammer dropped this week as OmniTrax Inc. posted notice of rail abandonment for the Kettle Falls International line from Kettle Falls to Danville. The death knell gives six months until the last car travels the line. The notice was not a total surprise to politicians and the businesses involved with the efforts to keep ...

OP/ED: Bylaws that don't bite don't work

It is always interesting to watch the process of a group of people when they make decisions. Take Grand Forks city council for example. On Monday night they debated the anti-feeding bylaw with regards to deer. Don’t worry, it passed. But the interesting part is the establishment of yet another bylaw with no teeth.   Two...

Help celebrate small business week!

Contributions made by small to medium businesses positively affect the the economy of the Boundary area. In order to recognize all the contributions these businesses make to our region, Community Futures Boundary (CFB) is hosting an open house during small business week.   The annual Open House and Business Awards Ceremony ...

Phoenix Foundation's new board continues the legacy

Helping the Boundary communities thrive has always been the backbone that motivates the board of the Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities, and this year has been no exception. At their annual general meeting, held on Sept. 8, the board renewed their commitment to continuing the important work of the foundation. The...

BUSINESS FEATURE: Hornet Mountain Natural Products

More and more consumers are choosing sustainable natural products for their homes, gardens and pets. It was once difficult to find such products, but we now have a number of Boundary area businesses that cater to increasing conscious consumption. Hornet Mountain Natural Products, headed by eco-entrepreneur Astrid Kihl, is a...

Gallery 2 hosts Garnet Rogers for an evening of music

Music has been a substantial part of Garnet Rogers’s life from his earliest days. In a darkened bedroom, lit only by the amber glow from an old floor model radio, two young brothers aged six and 12 lay in their beds, listening to the country music broadcasts from the Grand Ol’ Opry, and practiced their harmonies. Two years ...

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