

Special guests visit Elks to install new president

At the Elks monthly meeting new President Larry Jmaiff, was installed by special guest Dina Wolansky, BC Elks Association Vice President.  Dina's husband, Mike Wolansky, Exalted Ruler, Elks Lodge #44, Kamloops, also attended as a guest. Dina Wolansky presented Cliff Schuh with a Membership Award of a t-shirt, pin and hat, for...

Interfor previews new energy facility for Grand Forks

A proposal for a co-generation plant was unveiled on Monday in Grand Forks. For most of the city this was the first look at the power plant project that International Forest Products Ltd. (Interfor) is interested in building on their sawmill site. The 20 megawatt plant will deliver power and provide benefits to the company’s...

New regional chamber gets advice from Minister Black

Minister Iain Black, hosted by the City of Greenwood last week, rang in the new era for the regional chamber of commerce for the Boundary region last week. Black, Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development (at the time) was on tour to recognize small business month in the province.   Black, accompanied ...

Bruins tally second win of the season

Where there’s smoke - there is fire, and the Grand Forks Border Bruins lit the lamp early and often as they tallied their second win of the season this past weekend. The win marks the end of their early season losing streak at nine games. While the rest of the past 14 days may have not been so kind to the Bruins, they once ...

Twenty-one people charged with various drug trafficking offences in the West Kootenay/Boundary

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyA “resource-intensive” investigation by the RCMP in the West Kootenay/Boundary region in the last four months has resulted in 21 people being charged with 43 drug trafficking offences. Members of the Kootenay Boundary Regional Detachment plain clothes General Investigation Section embarked...

OP/ED: Feds loosening the rules on foreign media ownership

New Democrats are asking tough questions about foreign ownership in light of the revelation that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has no research on the impact of foreign ownership in Canada’s broadcast and telecom industries. Speaking to the issue in late July, New Democrat Culture Critic...

WEED CONTROL: New invasive grass found near Christina Lake

A new invasive grass has been found growing in the Christina Lake area.  Longspine sandbur (Cenchrus longispinus) was located at the pullout at the junction of East Lake Drive and Highway 3. This site was found late this fall so the treatment crew, funded through the Invasive Plant Council of BC, did their best to collect as...

Rain dampens search volunteers but not their efforts

Volunteers assisted search and rescue teams in the third ground search for missing 24-year-old Owen Rooney in Grand Forks on Saturday in hopes of finding some clues in the disappearance of the Australian. Rooney has been missing for two-and-a-half months, and was last seen at the Boundary Hospital where he had been treated ...

Ammonia leak shuts down traffic near arena

Emergency protocols kicked into play last night as a chemical leak at the Grand Forks Arena shut down a two-block radius of traffic. John Mackey, director of recreation and facilities, explained that a mechanical failure in the refrigeration plant caused the pressure relief valve to go off releasing 5o pounds of ammonia into...

Volunteers needed to help in expanded search for Owen Rooney

Saturday morning, Oct. 23, Grand Forks Search and Rescue will lead a volunteer effort to locate missing Australian Owen Rooney. The 24-year-old went missing from Grand Forks on Aug. 14. His family and the Grand Forks detachment of the RCMP have been searching for clues as to his whereabouts since that date.   “Grand Forks...

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