

Local grants available through Phoenix Foundation

Community groups from around the Boundary may have challenges raising money needed for worthwhile projects, but each year there is one option that makes their work just a bit easier. The Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities’ 2011 granting opportunities are open once again to aid the region in building a better place...

OP/ED: Super Bowl blues

Super Bowl XLV sucked. Plain and simple, it sucked. Sure, I still may be a little bitter that the Green Bay Packers beat my Philadelphia Eagles in this year’s playoffs on their way to their Super Bowl crown, but even if that was the case, it still would have sucked.   This year’s running of the Bowl did nothing for me as a ...

Free distance learning gives opportunity for locals to become dementia caregivers

An innovative educational program starting in early March will help caregiving family members from the Kettle Valley deal with the loss and grief issues associated with dementia.“The dementia journey requires ongoing adjustment to many changes over a long period of time that result in feelings of loss,” explains project leader...

Nominate outstanding women across the Boundary for International Women's Day

International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their communities. This year the Boundary Women’s Coalition will...

Youth soccer league deadline fast approaching; lack of registrants may mean cancelling play

Parents expecting Saturday morning drop-in soccer this spring will be greatly disappointed if they don’t sign up by Feb.15. The newly formed Boundary Youth Soccer Association (BYSA) – the group running all youth soccer this year – wants all parents to know they must register soon.   BYSA is quite concerned that they may not...

EDITORIAL: Sentinel asks the tough questions but not everyone likes them

With files from Michael Wirischagin  The Sentinel has been censured for doing too good a job it seems.  Boundary Sawmill Inc. probably completed the purchase of the Midway mill site on Friday last week. Do you want to know what happened? Are you, dear readers, curious what this all means to the Boundary as a region, not just...

City Park sports field will be a reality for summer

A multi-use sports playing field will finally become a reality in Grand Forks City Park after over a year of deliberations. The topic came back to the council’s table after a six-month hiatus when the motion to build the field was defeated last year. Not only was the topic re-introduced, but proponents of the project were...

Near the end of the season Bruins still looking for first win of 2011

 The Grand Forks Border Bruins will certainly never be accused of being a team that peaks too soon in a hockey game. In fact it could be argued that if anything, they should be a team that is criticized for peaking too late. For if the Border Bruins had the luxury of only playing third period hockey they would have tallied ...

Phoenix Mountain racers placing well in race season

Up against over 150 racers from ages five through12-years-old who enjoyed a full day of racing the Phonenix Mountain Racers participated in their first zone race of the season for the Kootenay Region Nancy Greene Ski League held at Red Mountain in Rossland. Salmo, Red Mountain, WhiteWater and Summit Lake, and our own Phoenix...

Inaugural Boundary region dog sled race challenged mushers

There is a famous quote by Lewis Grizzard that reads: “life is like a dog-sled team. If you ain’t the lead dog, the scenery never changes.” For Clearwater, B.C.’s Steve Mullen, that is exactly what happened as he became the lead dog winning the inaugural Rail Trail 200 International Dog Sled race held last weekend, starting...

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