

Funding is building block for literacy programs

The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) is pleased to know that their dozens of programs and 16 communities it serves will continue this year after receiving news about an injection of cash from the province.   Last week the B.C. Government announced CBAL will be receiving $40,000 through the Community Adult Literacy...

PERFORMANCE: Hear the winds, soothe the soul

Pentaèdre, a unique ensemble in the Canadian landscape, presents wind music that crosses cultures and continents. Featuring refined classical works by Mozart and comedic opera by Rossini through to the warm and exotic ambiances of Latin American music by Riviera, it’s music to soothe the soul!The Boundary District Arts Council...

Are there clean air champions out there?

Champions are among us! If you know someone who has played a significant role in promoting tobacco free living why not give them a pat on the back and nominate them for a Smoke Free Champions for Change Award?These Interior Health awards honour people who have made a difference in the lives of others by promoting smoke-free...

Move over garbage as food scraps program takes the lead in waste reduction

The streets of the Valmar subdivision will be lined with beige bins full of compostable items to be collected by a special split-bodied waste truck this week as Grand Forks pilots an organic waste recovery project.   The project, the first in the Boundary region to include organics as part of their garbage services, will be...

Young curlers step into fierce competition

The past two weekends a young Grand Forks curling team stepped into the world of competitive curling and though they were not on the winning end of things, invaluable experience was gained.   Evan Turgeon, Zane Bartlett, Jordan Field, Colin Anderson and Evan Lens were entered in both the juvenile and high school playdowns. ...


Final exams will go ahead as planned in School District 51, despite job action.   Grade 8 to 11 Boundary students will be completing their semester exams -- both provinicial and course exams -- between Thursday, Jan. 19 and Wednesday, Jan. 25.   While administrators, who are excluded from the job action, will be supervising...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks City Council

Community organizations looking to address financial challenges by securing funding from city coffers were delayed until budgeting is completed.  Boundary Emergency and Transition Housing Society (BETHS) and the Boundary District Arts Council (BDAC) both spoke to the City of Grand Forks last Monday, Jan. 9 seeking commitments...

SUMMING IT UP: Greenwood City Council

More than 15 Greenwood residents attended the first city council meeting of the new year, Monday Jan. 9. "We're only into the second meeting and we're already making some good headway," said Greenwood mayor Nipper Kettle. "I can see we're starting to gel and work together."   Kettle was pleased to see so many citizens at the...

LETTER: We don't want smart meters, FortisBC

Open letter to FortisBC:Hello Fortis: The letter below has received no response thus far and we would very much appreciate hearing from you..We do not want smart meters installed as BC Hydro is doing; we believe there are cheaper, safer and simpler options that should work to and for everyone's benefit. These are:Read the...

Greenwood, Midway chase recreation dollars

Like the rest of the Boundary, Greenwood and Midway submitted applications for projects they'd like to have funded through the new provincial Community Recreation Program.   Greenwood asked for $329,000 toward the $394,800 project to upgrade the city ball field. The project would include the installation of a new bocce pit,...

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