

Over 100 Teachers and CUPE members rally at Gyro Park

More than 100 teachers, Canadian Union of Public Employees members, parents and even children gathered in Gyro Park, Grand Forks, to support the teachers's strike and protest against Bill 22, which will impose on the teachers's rights to negotiate a contract. The large and enthusiastic group marched into the park at noon on...

Advanced certificate in renewable energy technology launching May 2012

Selkirk College is addressing the increased demand for new renewable energy technical and design skills, with their new Advanced Certificate In Renewable Energy Technology launching in May 2012 at the Castlegar Campus. This intensive six-week program will build on an individual’s existing education and experience, to provide...

Winds take out power lines causing havoc

High winds are to blame for the long power outage experienced in Christina Lake and Grand Forks yesterday. A tree fell on the line, explained Neal Pobran, communications officer for FortisBC at approximately 4:25 p.m. on Monday, Mar. 5. Some local businesses were inconvenienced when machinery experienced power surges that led...

EVENT: Seedy Saturday this weekend

You know spring can't be far off when the annual Seedy Saturday Seed Share and Exchange hits Grand Forks. This year the event, which is hosted by the Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society (GFBRAS) and the Boundary Organic Producers, runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 10 at the Holy Trinity Anglican...

Rally in Grand Forks on Tuesday, March 6

A rally supporting the teachers's strike will be held in Gyro Park, Grand Forks, tomorrow, Tuesday, March 6 at noon. Similiar rallies will be held on the same day and time across the province including one scheduled for the provincial legislature in Victoria. The event is being sponsored by the Canadian Union of Public Employees...

IN REVIEW: Rebuild - local filmmaker highlighted at Grand Forks film fest

Rebuilding in tough economic times takes a lot of drive from those who make up their community and for the east coast island of Cape Breton trade unions have been instrumental in creating change. Filmmaker Nik Green’s first feature length documentary, aired at the World Traveling Film Festival in Grand Forks last week, captured...

OP/ED: Weather is looking unstable for the province of B.C.

By now it is not news to our readers that the B.C. government is pushing through their legislation to force teachers back to work after they won the right to strike last week. What is disconcerting is that this strike action is just the beginning of what could well be a labour tsunami. Teachers have been negotiating with the...

Milfoil top topic at Area C town hall meeting

Milfoil removal, riparian efforts, library funding, a seniors housing project, the Phoenix Ski Hill contributions and the woodstove exchange program were all discussed constructively at the Regional District Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) Area C Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, February 29. The annual budget information session was...

Government forces teachers to walk out

All B.C. teachers will be out on the streets and not in their classrooms as they strike over the next three days -- Monday, March 5, Tuesday, March 6 and Wednesday, March 7 -- in protest of Bill 22 imposed by the government late last week. All School District 51 schools will be closed over those three days and buses will not...

Courageous curler's legacy felt at Masters competition in Grand Forks

Anita Cochrane was born in Quebec in 1971. When she was three years of age her father, Ted Bassett, was winning his share of curling games. He reached the Men’s finals in Quebec in 1974 and that would be followed by numerous achievements in the sport in other provinces. Not surprisingly Anita would embrace curling and later...

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