

Children friendly business is good business

In order to support local businesses, creative ideas can be key to encouraging families to shop at home. Boundary Success By 6 is pleased to announce the beginnings of a Family Friendly Business (FFB) Initiative intended to make local businesses more attractive to local shoppers with young families along with travelers. “The...

Crowd demands answers from mining proponents

Proposed environmental and safety precautions are not enough for residents along the Granby River north of Grand Forks to believe that a granite mine, whose products are heading to China, should proceed. “The negative impacts far outweigh the benefits to this community or to Canada,” said Dana Riester who lives near the bluff....

Bentall rides into town for one night show

Summer at the Christina Living Arts Centre is off to a great start with a series of concerts starting with the Dustin Bentall Outfit. Dustin Bentall hails from Vancouver, B.C. and it seems an unlikely place to nurture such a rustic troubadour. Canada even seemed like an unlikely country for Rick Danko, Robbie Robertson, Garth...

Weather co-operating for B.C. Women's championship golf

The weather decided to participate during second round action of the BC Golf Women’s Amateur and Mid-Amateur Championships at Christina Lake Golf Club, giving Christine Wong of Richmond a chance to post a three-under-par 69, 139 total (70-69-139) to take the overall Championship lead by one stroke. Wong, an upcoming senior ...

Hail and slush cause logging truck to sideswipe minivan

A logging truck sideswiped a minivan after losing control on the slush that covered Highway 3 around the Mud Lake area – just east of the Paulson Bridge – at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, July 3.  “That was ugly weather,” said Trail RCMP sergeant Rob Hawthon. “(The bad weather) was not unusual but not to that extent. You’re at a pretty...

Hoping for sunshine

By: Mona Mattei and Erin Perkins While Grand Forks is the soggiest it’s been in over five years and may be establishing a record for precipitation, sunny skies are on the way and soon. Grand Forks residents woke today to thunder, hail and even snow on the road to the Paulson. Local gardens have been struggling in the wet...

POLICE BEAT: Rock Creek woman thrown from vehicle, airlifted to Kelowna

A 33 year-old woman from Rock Creek was ejected through the sun roof of her car after hitting the ditch, Monday, July 2 at 7:37 p.m. Highway 3 was closed for two hours while ambulance and Midway RCMP attended the accident on Highway 3, two kilometers west of Midway. The woman had been driving her 2006 Pontiac GC west when she...

Taking the wind out of budworm infestation

Ten thousand hectares of forest were targeted in the first controlled spray in the Kootenay Boundary forest district for Western Spruce Budworm over the weekend. In a what is described as a heavy infestation, over 40,000 hectares within the Boundary timber supply area are being impacted by the budworm which defoliates Douglas...

Christina Lake Golf Club to host women’s provincial amateur golf tournament this week

Six local Christina Lake Golf Club members are set to golf alongside 66 other competitors from across the province during the 2012 British Columbia Women’s Amateur/Mid-Amateur Championships, July 3-6. Round one tee time starts at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, July 3) and at regular intervals all morning long as the top women...

Fun was had by all

"Of all the countries in the world, this is the best one to be in," Regional District Kootenay Boundary Area C director Grace McGregor most aptly observed during the Christina Lake Canada Day festivies over the weekend. She, and hundreds of other people across the Boundary, celebrated this very sentiment while enjoying birthday...

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