

Interior Health adding drop-in hours to COVID-19 vaccine clinics

Interior Health immunization clinics across the region are adding and extending hours for drop-in vaccinations. Drop-in access is for people who are 12+ (born in 2009 or earlier) who have not received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. People can arrive, register on the spot, and receive their vaccine. No advance appointments...

Interior Health Chief Medical Officer charged with sexual assault of young child

Interior Heath’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Albert de Villiers has been released on conditions after appearing remotely (via telephone) in Kelowna court to face two charges of sexually assaulting a young child. “Grande Prairie RCMP have laid charges against a 52-year-old man following an investigation into allegations of sexual...

RDKB granted $395K to further upgrade Saddle Lake Dam

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has received $395,027 in provincial funding for the second phase of a two-phase project to upgrade Saddle Lake Dam west of Grand Forks, B.C., it announced today. The first phase of the project included design and construction of a $190,000 free overflow spillway completed in 2019—also...

MP Cannings speaks to residential schools

The discovery of 215 unmarked and seemingly undocumented graves of children on the grounds of the former residential school in Kamloops has produced an outpouring of grief and anger across Canada.  While the discovery was not a surprise to many people, especially to residential school survivors, it served as a shocking reminder...

Knotweed: What it Is and What to Do

There are four different types of knotweed in our province, three of which have been found in the Boundary. In 2015, the Boundary Invasive Species Society (BISS) found giant knotweed (Fallopia sachalinensis) while surveying Kettle River. There are a number of sites of Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) in the Boundary area,...

Office of the Fire Commissioner, Fire Chiefs Association of B.C. and the BC Wildfire Service cooperate to train local fire departments

Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue (KBRFR) crews along with other Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) firefighters from Christina Lake, Grand Forks and from fire departments across the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) will participate in advanced wildfire suppression training this week. Thirty-nine...

Former Saints skipper signs as Bruins new coach, GM

 New owner, now a new head coach. The Grand Forks Border Bruins recently welcomed the hockey team’s new head coach and GM for the upcoming Kootenay International Junior Hockey League season. Former Selkirk College Saints skipper, Dave Hnatiuk, joins the Boundary City squad after spending the last two seasons as the Head Coach...

Invasive Species — Saddle Lake

In 2014 the Boundary Invasive Species Society surveyed many of the lakes as well as the rivers in the Boundary.  We were looking for invasive aquatic plants.  We were also keeping a look out for invasive fish.  One of the lakes we surveyed was Saddle Lake in the Grand Forks area.  At the time of the survey, the lake was full...

RDKB lowers flags to honour Indigenous children found buried at Kamloops residential school

he Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has lowered its flags to half-mast at its Trail and Grand Forks offices in response to the 215 children whose remains were found by the Tk’emlúps te Secweìpemc at the former site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School.   “The loss of any child is a terrible thing and every parent’s...

Drug impaired motorist keeps RCMP busy during long weekend

Grand Forks Mounties were kept busy over May long weekend conducting several impaired by drugs investigations said Grand Forks RCMP Detachment Commander, Sergeant Darryl Peppler Tuesday in a media release. Sgt. Peppler said in less than a 48-hour period between May 22 and May 24, Grand Forks RCMP officers conducted four...

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