

COMMENT: Kill zone - resisting the urge to destroy your computer

I love the power of computer technology and everything connected to it most days. But then there are those days when you just want to throw your computer through the nearest window. Come on, I know you’ve had the urge and I don’t think it matters if it’s an Apple or PC. The struggle to hold back the violence hit me again just...

New snow needs to settle before extreme sports

After nearly a week of snow storms avalanche potential is considerable in the back country so winter sports enthusiasts need to exercise caution over the coming weekend. “The mountains have hit the reset button and we need to do the same with our expectations of what is safe to ride,” commented Matt Peter, forecaster with the...

Performance reaches out to teens

ReachOut Psychosis will be touring high schools and middle schools in the Boundary to raise awareness about psychosis and mental illness. By identifying psychosis as a serious, but treatable medical condition of the brain this program works to help youth and their friends and teachers recognize it early and get effective help....

Changing the face of dementia

If a close friend told you she has dementia, would you avoid her for fear of being embarrassed by what she might say or do? If you answered “yes,” you're not alone. According to a recent poll by Alzheimer's Disease International, 40 per cent of people with dementia reported they had been avoided or treated differently after...

New Grand Forks CAO sees a bright future for city

Doug Allin’s passion for the potential he sees in Grand Forks led him to take the position as our new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). Allin, who hails from Peachland where he was the director of operations, has been in his new post since Oct. 15. “I’m excited about the opportunity the city has,” said Allin during a private...

POLICE BEAT: Vehicle break-ins have come to an inexplicable end

A nearly three month-long rash of vehicle break-ins has come to an end, at least for now. While Grand Forks RCMP have not caught the culprit or culprits who are responsible for the numerous complaints of items missing from unlocked vehicles since late October, they’ve received no new complaints over the past week , said Grand...

POLICE: Counter attack active over the holidays

Safety on the roads was taken seriously by the West Kootenay Traffic Services over the holidays with roadblocks apprehending 95 drivers under a variety of violations. Cpl. John Ferguson of the services reported that Christmas travellers are still engaging in risky driving behaviour. "People still seem to like to talk on the...

In with the new, out with 2012 - the year in review

As we enter the New Year it is always the time to reflect on the past 12 months and those who touched our lives. While the happenings of the Boundary region don’t really compare on the scale of surviving the end of the world, we certainly had our share of excitement in 2012. As in most end-of-the-year columns, we can look at...

POLICE BEAT: All was quiet over the Christmas season

The police in the Boundary region got a break this Christmas season and had 18 fewer files, over the year, than in 2011, said Grand Forks RCMP staff sergeant Jim Harrison. “The whole (Christmas) season was really, really good,” said Harrison. “I’m happy to say it was a peaceful Christmas and New Year.” While they did have...

Proposed fitness center expansion may return to the budget table

The question of funding for a proposed $1.5 million expansion to the Grand Forks Aquatic Centre fitness facilities may return to tax payers this year. The proposed project, which would expand the existing 600 square foot fitness facility to 3,000 square feet, was put to voters during a referendum on Nov. 19, 2011. It failed...

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