

RDKB Closing some unattended transfer stations

At the Regional District's town hall meeting last Feb. 7 the public were notified of the imminent closing of some of the 9 unattended transfer stations. This is the end result of a study begun last May into searching for solutions to the problems with them. "Doing our research we found out quite a lot of astonishing things ...

To reserve or not to reserve - a funding question for hospitals

A vote slated for later this month will determine how much hospital tax every resident in the West Kootenay Boundary regions will pay this year. At their meeting in January, the West Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital District (WKBRHD) board asked their members to get feedback from their communities on how much they will...

LETTER: Funding gap needs to be resolved for children

I am writing this letter to raise awareness about the lack of funding for children with special needs in our communities. Did you know that Early Intervention and Supported Child Care Services have not received an increase in funding in the West Kootenay Boundary area for almost eight years? Yet the number of children with ...

Hockey goes on... because of you

Starting today, Kraft Hockey Goes On is helping Canadians share their passion for the game by recognizing important local volunteers who make hockey happen in communities across Canada.  Through the program, 25 individuals will be celebrated and $1 million will be awarded to Hockey Canada-affiliated organizations.  Nominations...

Team in Training benefits from generous locals

The Pharmasave team has been busy this year raising money for worthy causes. From the Relay for Life, to Mo’vember and now the Team in Training, the owners and staff at Pharmasave have given, with a little help from their friends, to fight cancer. Throughout January, Pharmasave Grand Forks held a Super Bowl Fundraiser in...

Heritage comes to the gallery

Got a story to tell?   Gallery 2 has a heritage component to it and they've decided that this year they are going to try engaging the community with 'living books' and they're launching this during the upcoming Heritage Week Feb. 18 to 24.   What's a lving book you ask?   Well they will be staying open late each third Thursday...

City volunteers recognized for long-term service

Firefighting in rural areas is not a paid position with regular hours so it is unusual to see these volunteers put in too many years. This week, at the Grand Forks city council meeting held Monday, Feb. 4, Darcy Skerritt and Dave Squarebriggs were honoured with 20 year service awards. Watch Les' video to see the full...

SUMMING IT UP GRAND FORKS: City welcomes proposals on properties they own

 Headway was made on setting new policies for council meetings, electrical price increases cleared approvals, and offers were opened on two city owned properties at Grand Forks city council's last meeting. Council directed staff to proceed with a real estate strategy for guidelines on city-owned lands acquisition, disposition...

Christina Lake Winterfest some family fun in the sun

Speeding dog sleds, racing luge sleds and entertaining music made for great family fun at the Christina Lake's annual Winterfest celebrations this past weekend. Hundreds came out to enjoy the great weather and the snow at the Christina Lake Commuity Hall. The event, which is made possible by 74 volunteers and the generous...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Call for volunteers!

Hi Grand Folks! You might be just the person we’re looking for. Yes, you. Let me explain: we’re looking for enthusiastic community members who might want to join the library board of directors. Ideally, we’d like our board to be made up of a mix of women and men, of all ages (though the BC Library Act does require that you ...

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