

Second annual Masquerade Ball a mysterious good time

More than 75 masked revelers attended the second annual Masquerade Ball at Gallery 2 in Grand Forks, Saturday, Feb. 23. The art gallery fundraiser is one of two events the gallery hosts in-house every year. Despite conflicting community events, the costume ball was as well attended as last year, said Dawsha Hunt, Visitor’s ...

Administrative shifts coming for local schools, possible reduction

The School District 51 school board will be taking a serious look at their administrative needs now two of the district’s principals will be moving up to the board office this summer. The recent appointment of Perley Elementary School principal Kevin Argue as superintendent and Hutton Elementary School principal Doug Lacey ...

POLICE BEAT: Thief gets away with extension cord, possible asbestos exposure

A thief who broke into the Winnipeg Hotel demolition site may have got more than they bargained for – future lung cancer from asbestos exposure. Grand Forks RCMP were called out to the hotel at 7:25 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 20 after a bucket with 800-feet of yellow extension cord valued at $1,300 was discovered missing at the...

Toe-tapping music set to entertain in Annie Get Your Gun

Grand Forks audiences are in for a theatrical treat at the Boundary Musical Theatre’s spring production of the popular Broadway hit, Annie Get Your Gun, opening Friday, March 1. Annie Get Your Gun, you say? Never heard of it? Actually, you have! While you might not recognize the name of the lead character – Annie Oakley – and...


The multiple award nominated/winning film, Amour, will be presented on Tuesday, Feb. 26 by Spotlight Films. This not so subtle creation of writer/director Michael Haneke (The White Ribbon, Cache) wraps our emotions around, generally, the aging process accompanied by the various debilitating challenges and, specifically, the...

Avalanche risks are high after new snowfall

Warnings for caution in the Kootenay Boundary back country for snow enthusiasts are high this weekend. With a lot of variation in the snowpack around the region, the Canadian Avalanche Centre advises that wind and new snow have increased the avalanche danger considerably.   At the time of writing, 10-30 cm of snow overlies ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Book club, knitting and the best of 2012

Hi Grand Folks! I’ve got a lot to say, so I’m going to get right to it:   Storytime is back!   Come on down to the library for our weekly storytimes – Fridays at 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. We’ve got rhymes, songs, stories, and more.   Fabulous Fridays   Fridays are inherently somewhat fabulous - come for the board games, the Xbox ...

Break a bylaw and face a bigger bite with new ticketing system

A new graduated ticketing system will bring about stiffer penalties for bylaw infractions including deer feeding within the City of Grand Forks. The bylaw for a new ticketing system and the details surrounding that system, including prices, will be ironed out over the next few months. Doug Allin, the city’s chief administrative...

Film fest to challenge and uplift audience this weekend

“It is easier to cope with a bad conscience than a bad reputation.” These are the words of the public relations company for Dole as the multinational launched a vicious smear and attack campaign against Fredrik Gertten for his film Bananas, chronicling the lawsuit of 12 Nicaraguan plantation workers against the company.   The...

Phoenix looking for support through RDKB survey to help get future funding

The Phoenix Mountain Alpine Ski Society (PMASS) is asking Regional District Kootenay Boundary Area D residents to think of the ski hill when filling out the Electoral Area D Survey that was recently mailed out as part of the Official Community Plan (OCP) review. The survey, which was last done in 1999 as part of the original...

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