

GF archives in surprisingly good shape

In this video, Les Johnson takes a tour of the Grand Forks city hall basement to check out the condition of the city's archives and finds them mostly undamaged....

Time to Get Aggressive About Passive Houses

Does your new house plan include solar exposure as a significant design component? If not, you – or your architect, engineer, and contractor – should be preparing to attend the Passive House Design and Construction workshop scheduled for Cranbrook from October 7-11. Nelson designer and builder Lukas Armstrong will showcase ...

GF city holds special council meeting

The City of Grand Forks will hold a special council meeting to discuss next steps to ensure continued service for residents and businesses in the wake of Thursday’s fire at city hall.  Date: Monday, September 23, 2013 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Grand Forks Senior Centre  Media interviews available with the following:   City of...

Charges laid in Grand Forks city hall fire

Charges have been laid against a 31-year-old Grand Forks man who allegedly started a fire at Grand Forks city hall, Thursday. Andre Robert Conn has been charged with breaking and entering, arson, possession of incendiary materials and possession of break in instruments.  Conn is a 31-year-old Grand Forks resident and has been...

GF city hall significantly damaged by suspicious fire

Update Grand Forks RCMP are saying with a "high level of confidence" that the fire at city hall this morning was caused by an arsonist.  The fire and intruder alarms sounded at 5:30 a.m. when the blaze was set and the Grand Forks Fire Rescue arrived on the scene within minutes. They were able to quickly control the fire, but...

Power outage during electrical storm

Monday's short-lived power outage is suspected to be caused by a lightning strike, according to City of Grand Forks staff. The power was out to the Western part of the city, included the Silver Kettle Village -- the senior's complex -- and the Boundary Regional Hospital.  A Fortis substation breaker opened on a fault, said ...

Rock Creek Fall Fair praised for positive changes

This year’s Rock Creek & Boundary Fall Fair is being called the best ever by many people both locals and visitors alike. Though it was not the largest attendance ever mostly due to the Summerland Fall Fair falling on the same weekend, the crowds were steady and the energy was electric. The fair was officially opened by ...

GF council makes it clear they support the ag society's efforts but are not GE free

City councillors want to make it clear that Grand Forks is not a genetically-engineered (GE)-free zone. The issue came up at the regular Sept. 9 meeting when Coun. Gary Smith made a motion to rescind the previous motion from their Aug. 19 meeting. The original motion stated that council supported the Grand Forks and Boundary...

New animal control officers hit the streets

New animal control officers are now working in the Boundary to help lost dogs get home and handle complaints on issues like aggressive or nuisance animals.  Niki Best and Gary Maletta got the job when the Regional Distict of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) decided to accept a proposed contract with the BC Commissionaries. The duo ...

The trail is officially getting paved after a sod-turning event

Phase one of the trail enhancement project between Grand Forks and Christina Lake has officially begun. On Thursday, officials held a sod-turning event at the trail head by the Nursery Trestle near Roxul. Member of Legislature (MLA) Linda Larson was there along with city councillors Michael Wirischagin Bob Kendel , Patrick ...

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