

Time to get festive at the 10th annual dance extravaganza and yuletide market

Rara Avis Dancers are pleased to present the 10th Annual Dance Extravaganza and Yuletide World Market on Thursday, Dec 5th, 2013 at the Grand Forks Secondary School Auditorium.   Over a dozen dance troupes from the Boundary area will be coming together to perform their latest works, offering a rich and varied cultural...

LETTER: Reminder to give credit to philanthropists on national day

Dear Editor, November 15th is National Philanthropy Day in Canada. While this is a day that is celebrated around the world, Canada is the first to officially recognize it as a national day (this type of thing makes me proud to be Canadian!). This is a time to celebrate and thank those that give beyond themselves. The great ...

Greenwood gets the jump on economic development

UPDATE: The next meeting date is set for Wednesday November 27th 6:30 at city hall.  Greenwood Mayor Nipper Kettle feels excited about the positive energy that was generated after last Thursday's meeting talking possibilities for Greenwood’s future economic growth. The Greenwood Economic Development Committee (GEDC) meeting...

SPOTLIGHT FILMS: 20 Feet from Stardom

Spotlight Films   presents   the 6th film of our 10th season!    20 FEET FROM STARDOM Tuesday, November 19th 7:30 pm @ The Gem Theatre     Greetings to all Spotlight Films members, sponsors, and friends:    This coming Tuesday, November 19th (a week earlier than usual) Spotlight Films will be screening the highly acclaimed ...

COMMENT: Linda Larson addresses elder abuse

I would like to talk this month on a subject that concerns everyone - all families and government - elder abuse. Since 2002, the Federal-Provincial and Territorial seniors forum has led a number of initiatives to raise awareness of elder abuse, particularly the financial abuse of seniors. At this year’s meeting in Yellowknife,...

Remembrance Day in Grand Forks 2013

Here's a video of the Remembrance Day ceremony in Grand Forks, video thanks to Les Johnson at Whats Up Grand Forks. ...

Ruckus at Clyde's

When I entered Clyde’s Halloween party I was greeted by a booming drum solo with partiers like Spiderman and his cat companions cutting up the dance floor. That was the setting for Ruckus who hail from Castlegar and came to grace Grand Forks with their classic rock ways. Armed with a female lead singer Lorette Sheriff, founder...

Another successful breastfeeding challenge in the Boundary

The peer mentors of the Baby's Best Chance program were busy in October. You may have noticed beautiful pictures of babies and breastfeeding mothers during World Breastfeeding Week of Oct. 1 to 7th.  On Saturday, October 5th at 11:00 a.m. in Gyro Park, 14 women and 15 infants participated in the 11th Quintessence Breastfeeding...

BCFB numbers on the rise earlier than usual this year

Boundary Community Food Bank (BCFB) numbers have increased in the last few months and if this trend continues it could mean more need for community support with just seven weeks until Christmas. October’s numbers reached 288 this year, compared to 189 in 2012 – a rise of almost 100 new clients. This number is closer to the ...

No time like the present to get a flu shot

There were cars and people filling the parking lot of the Prestige Inn Lakeside Resort Wednesday. The beehive of activity wasn't because of a convention but the first flu shot clinic of the season as close to 1,000 people were expected to roll up the shirt sleeve and get poked by an Interior Health nurse. IHA staff said there...

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