

CL community groups work diligently to boost community year-round

Since it got its start in March this year, the Christina Gateway Community Development Association (CGCDA) has been propelling the community forward. Although the association has only been incorporated for a few months, they have accomplished much, thanks to their broad voice that represents every sector of the community....

Documents show EcoSociety under surveillance by federal government agency over pipeline protest

A local environmental organization says an independent federal government agency has been actively working to stifle its opposition to the Alberta oil sands and associated developments after federal documents revealed that the National Energy Board has been spying on British Columbia activist groups. An article from the...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Record breaking book sales with more to come

Our incredibly hard-working Friends of the Library group has followed up their record-breaking book sale with a very successful fundraiser at Clyde’s (a great big thank you to Steve and Patti, and everyone who came out). But they’re not stopping there – they will be holding their famous Christmas Cookie Sale on Tuesday,...

Trail Men's League tips off on another season, opening available for new players

The Trail Men's Basketball League is alive but on life-supports systems as organizers attempt to save the hoop league. League organizers are attempting to start the league up for the 2013-14 season Monday, but have seen a sharp drop in registration. Anyone wanting to join a team in the league is urged to contact Steve at...

Council clips: GF rec fees on table; Phoenix Ski Society requests extra funding

Edited for clarity regarding GF rec. centre fees. At the Oct. 28th regular council meeting, Mayor Brian Taylor said that Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) may be raising the user fees for Grand Forks recreation services like the swimming pool and arena.  “(They) are struggling to keep service levels up and costs...

Kettle River Q&A - How are the fish doing in our rivers?

These are special rivers. Providing some of the best river fishing opportunities in the region, the Kettle, West Kettle and Granby support several important fish stocks, including seven species at risk and native rainbow trout stock that grow larger than 50 cm. However, the quality of the Kettle for fishing has deteriorated...

UPDATE: Snow storm slows traffic on Kootenay Pass

The storm came and went and left behind a lot of snow at the higher elevations for skiers. A snow advisory did not disappointed as a centemeters of snow fell at the higher elevations, including the Kootenay Pass Tuesday. Avalanche control near the summit slowed traffic Tuesday morning. The storm passed leaving cooler northern...

Nelson joins rest of Canada at 'Defend Our Climate' rallies

Speakers, singer-songwriters, and even Bob from Kaslo, trekked to the microphone to voice displeasure with corporate Canada during the “Defend Our Climate” protest Saturday afternoon at the Nelson City Hall Courtyard. “Put your finger in the pipes,” organizer Keith Wiley told the crowd of 200 plus concerned citizens. Nelson...

LETTER: Mule deer populations struggle outside of GF

A recent poll in the city of Invermere overwhelmingly supported a deer cull but as expected the much larger question was ignored -- the future of the mule deer. With the exception of the city of Grand Forks and Vancouver Island the urban deer phenomena is driven by the mule deer which is in serious population decline in our...


Grand Fork’s newest thrift store is simply called the “Thrift Shop.” It opened on Aug. 1 and the owner, who prefers to be known simply as Phil, says that one of their main focuses is providing affordable items to the public. In fact, store items are so affordable that he always has two or three free tables of clothing and...

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