

Kamloops Daily News shuts doors after more than 80 years

Monday in Kamloops, Glacier Media decided to cease publication of the Kamloops Daily News after more than 80 years. “Personally I am very saddened to make this announcement,” said The Daily News publisher Tim Shoults on the company website. “We have struggled for the last several years, worked tirelessly and taken many difficult...

CONTEST: January 2014 -- Sponsored by Epicure rep. Tracy Worrall

Welcome to the eighth monthly contest hosted by the Boundary Sentinel.  To participate, write a comment -- any PG comment -- in the comment boxes below. You'll need to set up an account if you don't already have one. Don't forget to make sure the account has a valid email address so we can notify you if you win! The winner ...

Orphaned cub gets Christmas miracle

A Boundary bruin was the unexpected recipient of a Christmas miracle last week when the cub was discovered in a chicken coop and the owner decided to exhaust all options to rescue it, rather than having it destroyed. Midway resident Miranda Charles first heard about the orphaned bear cub when she was at church Sunday, Dec. ...

Christmas dinner deemed 'best ever' by volunteers

The 32nd annual Christmas Day dinner was a hit as usual this year with 425 people in attendance. The dinner was held at the Gospel Chapel and was organzied by a "small army" of volunteers. Volunteers started working in early November to make the event a reality. Co-ordinator George Longden and Paula Wolkosky called the event...

Man convicted of killing former LVR student given new trial

The 20-year-old cold case of a former Crescent Valley resident is now heading back to trial. The B.C. Appeal Court agreed in a unanimous decision released Thursday to set aside the decision to convict Neil Snelson of Kelowna in the cold case killing of Jennifer Cusworth and order a new trial. Cusworth, a L.V. Rogers High...

Wellbeing Beyond Christmas

“Once our personal connection to what is wrong becomes clear, then we have to choose: we can go on as before, recognizing our dishonesty and living with it as best we can, or we can begin the effort to change the way we think and live.”                                                                                         ...

IBEW Local 213 members return to work at FortisBC Friday

Some of the more than 200 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 213 members manning the picket lines since June 26 return to work Friday, following 177-days of being off the job due to the FortisBC lockout. “The majority of the workers are coming back to work Friday (December 20) but in some instances, we are...

City of Trail to buy Trail airport

Trail City Council is pleased to announce the City of Trail will be proceeding with the purchase of the Trail Regional Airport (YZZ) from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB). Council determined the condition precedent, a business plan outlining the operations and economic feasibilities of the City of Trail...

A movie to warm even the coolest heart this Christmas season

Everyone knows of the movie A Christmas Carol . Now we have Frank Georges and The Truth silent film from none other than Keith Picot. For the past 20 years, Picot, the 2010 Toronto Maple Blues award winning bassist, has made Gulf Islands home. But Picot, who has played local venues in Nelson, decided to branch out into film...

COUNCIL CLIPS: Final reading for deer bylaws, vital signs, family day and national park

Grand Forks city council gave the final readings to both repeal bylaw 1884 (the outgoing deer feeding bylaw) and the bylaw 1967, which replaces it. The new bylaws will allow offenders to be ticketed for intentionally feeding deer within city limits. However, councillors Patrick O’Doherty and Michael Wirischagin opposed the ...

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